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Updated: August 24, 2024
So it fell out with Mr. Dempster in his memorable campaign against the Tryanites. After all the premature triumph of the return from Elmstoke, the battle of the Evening Lecture had been lost; the enemy was in possession of the field; and the utmost hope remaining was, that by a harassing guerilla warfare he might be driven to evacuate the country.
Pilgrim, the doctor, who had presented his large top-booted person within the bar while Mr. Dempster was speaking. Mr.
Dempster was a little out of her mind. Such, indeed, was the fact, and one not greatly to be wondered at, after such a peculiar experience as she had had. Some small degree of congestion, and the consequent pressure on some portion of the brain, had sent certain faculties to sleep, and, perhaps, roused others into morbid activity.
"I am but too well aware of many deficiencies which must arise from the position I have been so long in, not to wish to remedy them as soon as possible, and, before I appear as the heir of Lady R , it is my intention, as soon as I can, to go to Paris, and remain there for two years, or, perhaps, until I am of age; and I think in that time to improve myself, and make myself more what the son of Colonel Dempster should be.
Then, Janet had no children. ... Ah! there Mammy Dempster had touched a true spring, not perhaps of her son's cruelty, but of half Janet's misery.
He's going into a bank in Camden Town, he says. The salary's much lower, but he hopes to manage a branch of Dempster's Bank. Is that all right?" "Dempster! My goodness me, yes." "More right than the Porphyrion?" "Yes, yes, yes; safe as houses safer." "Very many thanks. I'm sorry if you sublet ?" "If he sublets, I shan't have the same control.
He took note that George had all the military books of his grandfather brought down from his book-shelves, and that he and Dempster were practising with the foils again; and he soon found that his fears were true. Mr.
Then your mother held the baby up and said quite gaily, 'Is it one of the Ballures he is, Dempster, or one of the Ballawhaines? Dear heart when I think of it! Grandfather straightened himself up, turned about, and was out on the street in an instant." "Poor father!" said Philip. Auntie Nan's eyes brightened. "I was going to tell you of your first birthday, dearest.
Dempster as 'Vice', undertook to brew the punch, defying the criticisms of the envious men out of office, who with the readiness of irresponsibility, ignorantly suggested more lemons.
Another prognostic of evil to Dempster came at the beginning of March. For then little 'Mamsey' died died suddenly. The housemaid found her seated motionless in her arm-chair, her knitting fallen down, and the tortoise-shell cat reposing on it unreproved.
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