United States or Gambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I saw much of this family afterward, and grew to love them for their honest efforts to be decent and comfortable, and for their knowledge of their own ignorance. There was with them no affectation. The mother would scold the father for being so "easy;" Josie would roundly rate the boys for carelessness; and all knew that it was a hard thing to dig a living out of a rocky side hill.

It's the silliest lie a sensible man like you ever believed, to say a woman makes a house comfortable. It's a story got up because the women are there and something must be found for 'em to do.

'But will you be happy comfortable alone in America? He walked across the room and came back. 'Edith, I'm sorry to pain you, but I shall not be alone. Edith started, thinking of Madame Frabelle's letter ... from Liverpool! Evidently they were going away together.

Entering the Lahore Gate, suitable accommodation is found at Northbrook Hotel, a comfortable hostelry under native management near the Moree Gate, and overlooking from its roof the scenes of the most memorable events connected with the siege of Delhi in 1857.

I tell ye, that rich man in Scriptur' was a damned fool not to start a poorhouse, an' not have Lazaruses layin' round his gate. He'd have been more comfortable, an' mebbe he'd have cheated hell so.

You sigh with satisfaction; nowhere is there a jarring note; and then you turn your eyes down to the grounds and buildings of the American Legation at your feet, clean, comfortable, uncompromising, and alien.

But the pillars of fire-lighted smoke and the lowing of domestic cattle were a promise of better things. In less than two hours, we were sitting before the glowing fireplace of a comfortable Yakut house, with a soft carpet under our feet; real crockery cups of fragrant Kiakhta tea on a table beside us, and pictures on the wall over our heads.

Everything showed that his father had tried to make the place comfortable for the new horse. In the stall stood a strong, fine animal that looked well fed and well cared for. "Good day to you!" said the boy. "I have heard that there's a sick horse in here. Surely it can't be you, who look so healthy and strong." The horse turned his head and stared fixedly at the boy.

No, she was very comfortable, and the house was grand beyond speech, but but where was he? he had not been very hearty.

An hour brought us to the broad sandy beach of Skidegate, opposite the chiefs present residence, a plain comfortable frame house in the centre of the village. Two large splendid canoes were carefully housed in front. A small orchard in which a few half-grown apples were seen, next engaged the attention.