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Updated: September 2, 2024

"But she is a sweet creature; as beautiful as Hebe; and why should I be wretched for ever?" She had moved towards the companion-ladder, and as she did so, Major Biffin followed her. "Will you not allow me to give you an arm down stairs?" said he. "Thank you, Major Biffin. It is rather crowded, and I can go better alone." "You did not find the stairs in the 'Lahore' too crowded."

Chet Ram himself died in 1894, and at the headquarters of the sect at Buchhoke, near Lahore, his ashes and the bones of his master Mahbub Shah are kept in two coffins, which the faithful visit, particularly on certain Chet Rami holy-days, on which fairs are held.

Hume, one of the secretaries in Lahore, devised a far-reaching plan whereby every letter was forwarded through missionaries or Christian workers or officials to the distant home of the soldier.

The Governor-General in Council, in a despatch to Major Broadfoot of the 25th January 1845, entered into very full explanations, which were conveyed to the Lahore Vakeel. "As regards the past, it is clear that no cause of complaint has been given by the government of India.

But what interested Kim more than all these things he had seen devil-dance masks at the Lahore Museum was a glimpse of the soft-eyed Hindu child who had left him in the doorway, sitting cross-legged under the table of pearls with a little smile on his scarlet lips. 'I think that Lurgan Sahib wishes to make me afraid. And I am sure that that devil's brat below the table wishes to see me afraid.

Send off those telegrams at once the new code, not the old mine and Wharton's. I don't think we need keep the ladies waiting any longer. We can settle the rest over the cigars. I thought it was coming. It's punishment not war. As the trooper cantered off, Kim crawled round to the back of the house, where, going on his Lahore experiences, he judged there would be food and information.

After paying visits to the tomb of Shah Jehan, to the Schalamar, and other monuments at Lahore, the officer returned to Delhi and the possessions of the Company. To his visit was due that better knowledge of the country which could not fail to tempt the ambition of the English Government. The following year , an embassy, consisting of Messrs.

Some inkling of the plot, as could hardly fail, came to the British Resident's ears, the primary step contemplated being to seduce from their allegiance the Company's troops quartered at Lahore. It was at this stage that a summons reached Lumsden to march with all despatch to Lahore, a distance of two hundred and fifty miles.

The Lahore Durbar had not adequately fulfilled the undertaking to support Prince Timour's advance by the Khyber, nor was it duly regarding the obligation to maintain a force on the Peshawur frontier of the Punjaub.

"Whatever the cause, you can never again see India. Nevertheless, you would give many years of your life to mix once more with the bazaar-folk in the Chandni Chowk, and sit at night on a charpoy near the Lahore Gate?" The brown skin assumed a sallow tinge. "That is good speaking," he gurgled. "Then help me and my friend to escape. Compel your chief to leave the island. Kill him! Plot against him!

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