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Updated: January 20, 2025

Then he passed into the Egyptian room, and found himself surrounded with the preserved bodies of the ancient Egyptians; he examined their household gods; he pried into their coffins; he saw their food; he was familiarised with their apparel. Still proceeding onward, he came to the beautiful bronzes; and then he saw the wonders that the ancient tombs of Etruria disgorged.

Nearly a century ago Owthorne Church and churchyard were overwhelmed, and the shore was strewn with ruins and shattered coffins. On the Tyneside the destruction has been remarkable and rapid. In the district of Saltworks there was a house built standing on the cliff, but it was never finished, and fell a prey to the waves. At Percy Square an inn and two cottages have been destroyed.

"All the way the universal outcry and curses of the people went along with them," says MERCURIUS PUBLICUS. "When these three carcasses arrived at Tyburn, they were pulled out of their coffins, and hanged at the several angles of that triple tree, where they hung till the sun was set; after which they were taken down, their heads cut off; and their loathsome trunks thrown into a deep hole under the gallows.

There are floors of mosaic, large and perfect, taken from the villas which people are always digging up in the neighborhood of York, and, from the graves uncovered in the railway excavations, coffins of lead and stone for civilians, and of rude tiles for the soldiers of the Sixth Legion; the slaves were cast into burial-pits of tens and twenties and left to indiscriminate decay till they should be raised in the universal incorruption.

The ancient Greek practice of burning the dead had died out under the Antonines. Of old, the objects used to deck the pyre had also been on show here; now there was nothing to be seen but what related to interment or entombment. Side by side with the marble sarcophagus, or those of coarser stone, were wooden coffins and mummy-cases, with a place at the head for the portrait of the deceased.

So depressed did Arles become some time ago, that its only lively trade was in old coffins.

The whole company, sitting round on coffins which had been removed from their places, apparently for some alteration or enlargement of the vault, were eating bread and cheese, and drinking ale from a cup with two handles, passed round from each to each. 'Who is dead? Stephen inquired, stepping down. 'To that last nothing under earth.

'I have never even heard of them. 'Heaven alone knows in what part of the wide world they are wandering, replied her mother. Then she took the girl and opened the locked-up room; she showed her the twelve coffins filled with shavings, and with the little pillow laid in each. 'These coffins, she said, 'were intended for your brothers, but they stole secretly away before you were born.

"There are only two people," he said to his comrade, Harry, in a whisper. "Only two. Well, that's quite enough, I should say." "Let us hide behind the door," said young Jack, eagerly, "and then fall upon them, and make a dash for liberty." The steps drew nearer and nearer. "Let us hide here," said Harry, pushing the lid off one of the long coffins or shells.

"We are buried alive," said Melton bitterly. "We are as dead to the world as though we were in our coffins." "We have simply burned our ships behind us, that is all," replied Chutney. "Now for the river and freedom." They went back and sat down beside the swiftly-flowing water. "Bless me if I know whether I am on my head or my feet," said Sir Arthur. "What on earth does this mean?"

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