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The brig took from the 25th to the 30th of June to make as much way as she would have done in one day under any other circumstances; she stopped, retraced her steps, waiting for a favourable occasion so as not to miss Beechey Island, using a great deal of coal, as the fires were only moderated when she had to halt, but were never put out, so that she might be under pressure day and night.

On the 25th he left "dear Biarritz" for Paris, where he found plenty of politics awaiting him; here he had another of those interviews with Napoleon and his Ministers on which so much depended, and then he went back to his labours at Berlin.

It was also less difficult to ventilate it, by means of canvas funnels which opened without. Each sailor exerted great energy in these preparations, and about the 25th of September they were completed. André Vasling had not shown himself the least active in this task.

Having found that there was no house in Prague more suited for his purposes than that of his late friend Curtius, the Emperor purchased it from his widow, and Tycho removed into it on the 25th February 1601.

Thence he set sail for Corfu, where he assured the people of Napoleon's wish that there should be an end to their civil discords. Returning to Genoa, and posting with all speed to Paris, he arrived there on January 25th, 1803. Five days later that gay capital was startled by the report of his mission, which was printed in full in the "Moniteur."

The caravel being in readiness, and furnished with every thing necessary for the voyage, we set sail on the 22d of March 1455, having a favourable wind at north-east, and by north , and steered our course for the island of Madeira. On the 25th of that month we came to the island of Puerto Santo, which is about 600 miles southward from Cape St Vincent, whence we took our departure.

They left Cochin on the 25th of April, and arrived at Malacca on the last of May. All the town came to meet Father Xavier, and every particular person was overjoyed at his return. Alphonso Martinez, grand vicar to the bishop, at that time lay dangerously sick, and in such an agony of soul, as moved compassion.

And then she added very sadly, gazing intently at me, "Your poor teacher is very ill." Sunday, 25th. As we had agreed, we all went together to the Theatre Vittorio Emanuele, to view the distribution of prizes to the workingmen.

Thence by water at 10 at night from Westminster Bridge, having kissed little Frank, and so to the Old Swan, and walked home by moonshine, and there to my chamber a while, and supper and to bed. 25th. Received a writ from the Exchequer this morning of distrain for L70,000, which troubled me, though it be but, matter of form. To the office, where sat all the morning.

On the 30th September the four brethren returned to Newfoundland, and after a friendly interview with the governor, embarked on board the Niger, Nov 5th, for England, being again granted a free passage by government. On the 25th they landed at Plymouth, and reached London on the 3d of the same month. Contests between the Colonists and Savages revive Murderous skirmish. Mikak.

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