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"Our skipper's as right as can be, Morny," said Rodd the next evening, as the lad was once more on board the schooner, and they were sailing gently along about a mile from shore, the brig following pretty close behind with the water streaming down from her scuppers as the work at one of the pumps was still kept up.

Blagrove said at last, "and let us hear what unexpected chance has brought you home. I suppose, as you are in uniform, that you have not left the service." "Not at all, sir; I am home on three months' leave, having come home in the Suzanne, a brig belonging to yourself." "Belonging to me!" Mr. Blagrove said in astonishment. "What on earth do you mean?"

Nothing could be more tender and more prudent. We must also remember the girl's self-reliant temperament, and the general unwillingness of women I mean women of sense to make a fuss over matters of that sort. As has been said already, Heemskirk turned up some time after Jasper's arrival at Nelson's Cove. The sight of the brig lying right under the bungalow was very offensive to him.

But the captain had no chart; he was afraid to trust his brig so deep among the islands; and, the wind serving well, he preferred to go by west of Tiree and come up under the southern coast of the great Isle of Mull. All day the breeze held in the same point, and rather freshened than died down; and towards afternoon a swell began to set in from round the outer Hebrides.

There is a settled routine for hailing ships at sea: ``Ship a-hoy! Answer, ``Hulloa! ``What ship is that, pray? ``The ship Carolina, from Havre, bound to New York. Where are you from? ``The brig Pilgrim, from Boston, bound to the coast of California, five days out. Unless there is leisure, or something special to say, this form is not much varied from.

Barney's flotilla had now given the British so much trouble that they determined to destroy it without delay; and an expedition of more than five thousand men composed of regulars, marines, and a few negroes was carried up the Patuxent, and landed at Benedict, where an armed brig had been stationed to cover the disembarkation.

In September the "Sumter" captured a brig, the "Joseph Park;" and the boarding officer, on examining the log-book, found an entry made by her captain on the day of leaving Pernambuco: "We have a tight, fast vessel, and we don't care for Jeff Davis." The unlucky captain had holloaed long before he was out of the wood.

Almost at the same time he saw the brig's head fall off the wind, made out the yards swinging round to fill the main topsail, and heard distinctly the thud of the first wave thrown off by the advancing bows. The next minute the tow-line got the strain and his boat started hurriedly after the brig with a sudden jerk. Leaning forward, wide awake and attentive, Carter steered.

The first mate was in command of the party that captured the barque and, as there was no one else to send, the captain put me in command of the party that captured the polacre." "But how on earth did you manage it?" the captain asked. "I see the brig has been cut up a good deal, about the sails and rigging. You don't mean to say that she sailed right into Cartagena?

The bright beautiful sunshine shines now, all day and all night, cheering our hearts and inspiring hope. "June 16th. All is lost! How little we know what a day may bring forth! Our good little brig is gone, and we are here on the ice without a thing in the world except the clothes on our backs. I have saved my note-book, which chanced to be in my breast-pocket when the nip took place.

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