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Updated: August 11, 2024

Kneel with me, then, you that have so much reason to be grateful to God, and join in the petition." Father Xavier knelt on the rocks, and all the Catholics of the party united with him in the prayer for the dead.

Yet sometimes he changed his language; and said, that he would not lose his soul, nor the friendship of Father Xavier, for so small a matter. But, in conclusion, not being able to contain himself within the bounds of Christian purity, nor to make the law of Jesus Christ agree with that of Mahomet, he continued fixed to his pleasures, and obstinate in his errors.

God was pleased to deal with Xavier as formerly he had dealt with Moses, who died in view of that very land whither he was commanded to conduct the Israelites.

Four or five young men formed another group near the door round the Count Xavier de Vandeuvres, who in a low tone was telling them an anecdote. It was doubtless a very risky one, for they were choking with laughter. Companionless in the center of the room, a stout man, a chief clerk at the Ministry of the Interior, sat heavily in an armchair, dozing with his eyes open.

The example of the prince and the young courtiers drew the rest; and thereupon Xavier writes to Ignatius in these terms: "Nothing can be more regular than the court of Portugal: it resembles rather a religious society, than a secular court.

It is evident, by what we have already said concerning the instruction of the Paravas, that Xavier had not the gift of tongues when he began to teach them: But it appears also, that, after he had made the translation, which cost him so much labour, he both understood and spoke the Malabar tongue, whether he had acquired it by his own pains, or that God had imprinted the species of it in his mind after a supernatural manner.

With a sigh of utter weariness, weariness of body, weariness of mind, Father Xavier rose and left the confessional. He glanced over the church; it was empty. He glanced towards the altar and his eyes rested on the sanctuary lamp which appeared to be burning with unwonted brightness.

More than half of the population are converted Hindus, descendants of the original occupants of the place, who were overcome by the Duke of Albuquerque in 1510, and after seventy or eighty years of fighting were converted by the celebrated and saintly Jesuit missionary, St. Francis Xavier.

The poor mother seeing the saint offered not to go with her to the place of burial, replied, betwixt hope and fear, "That it was three days since her daughter was interred." "It is no matter," answered Xavier, "open the sepulchre, and you shall find her living."

Then Xavier causing a great cross to be made, set it up, on the highest ground of all the town; and there, on his knees, amongst a crowd of soldiers, and men, women, and children, attracted by the novelty of the sight, as much as by the expected succour, he offered to God the death of his only son, and prayed him, by the merits of that crucified Saviour, who had poured out his blood for the sake of all mankind, not to deny a little water, for the salvation of an idolatrous people.

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