Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: September 28, 2024
"And there's one thing to be observed," she added, " that that door is the only one in all the passage that has a sneck, as they call it." "What is a sneck?" asked his lordship, who was not much of a scholar in his country's tongue. "What we call a latch in England, my lord. I took pains to learn the Scotch correctly, and I've repeated it to your lordship, word for word."
There is, however, a remainder of emotion as there is a remainder of sensation; and the importance of this remainder of the continuum in which lie all particular pleasures and pains was insisted upon in the beginning. The beauty of the world, indeed, cannot be attributed wholly or mainly to pleasures thus attached to abstracted sensations.
Each of us had tried to keep up the hopes of the other that peace might be preserved, and down to the last moment I took great pains to convince him of what I knew to be the truth that the policy of President McKinley was to prevent war. But I took no less pains to show him that Spain must aid the President by concessions to public opinion.
"And, as you perceive, in his own handwriting." She folded up the paper and, replacing it, addressed my Master. "Your visitors, sir, deserve some refreshment for their pains and courtesy." And that was the end of the conference. What that paper contained I know as little as I know by what infernal sorcery it was prepared.
If a man does not bestir himself, poverty must, sooner or later, overtake him. If he continues to expend for the necessary charges of life, and will not take the pains to gain something to supply the place of what he deals out, his funds must at length come to an end; and the misery of poverty fall upon him at an age when he is less able to grapple with it.
That is just a little what I meant by saying that Englishmen are muddle-headed, because they never have been forced by political adversity to mistrust their tempers and depend on a carefully stated case as Irishmen have been. *Showed Germany the Way.* I did with great pains what nobody else had done.
The towers must be projected beyond the line of wall, so that an enemy wishing to approach the wall to carry it by assault may be exposed to the fire of missiles on his open flank from the towers on his right and left. Special pains should be taken that there be no easy avenue by which to storm the wall.
"Look look!" came in a low murmur, and my heart sank, for it seemed so piteous to see the bright glare rising over the forest, as the poor house over which so much pains had been taken seemed, in spite of the distance, to be sending up wreath after wreath of golden smoke, while for a short time there was a ruddy light spreading high up into the sky.
Bring tears of vexation at the emptiness we pull back for our pains. Oh, Phil! and to think of your youth! We had you then. At least we had your heart.
The loss of the Boers is exceedingly difficult to gauge, as they throughout the war took the utmost pains to conceal it.
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