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Updated: September 5, 2024

When Josie and her little friends reached the Children's Home they found Mary Louise waiting for them. "It is all right," she whispered to Josie. "Dr. Weston and I have had the whole board on the line one by one and we have talked them into letting the poor kiddies stay. It is against the rules of the board to take children who can give no credentials but all the same we have worked it.

Her humiliation was the consequence of her own ideals only, for Avonlea folks thought it quite splendid that she should have won the prize. Her many friends regarded her with honest admiration; her few foes with scornful envy. Josie Pye said she believed Anne Shirley had just copied the story; she was sure she remembered reading it in a paper years before.

"Of course; but I g-grabbed the wrong end of it. Oh, I'm so glad Daddy wasn't here to see my humiliation! I'm a dub, Mary Louise a miserable, ignorant, foozle-brained dub!" "Never mind, dear," said Mary Louise consolingly. "No one can know everything, Josie, even at our age. Now sit down and wipe that wet off your face and tell me all about it." Josie complied.

The place was frankly third-class, with a large sign stating that boarders were wanted by the day or week. On the porch were young women coifed according to the latest and most extreme bushiness and young men with their feet on the railing, socks and toothpicks much in evidence. Josie noted the address: 126 East Centre Street. She also noted the odors that exuded from the basement dining room.

"I'm not," says I. "Any move I make will be for your good. But Steele's the man. I'll have to call him in." "Call away, then," says she. "I ain't afraid of him, either." And by luck I catches J. Bayard at his hotel and gets him on the 'phone. "Well?" says I. "How about the fair Josie?" I could hear him groan over the wire. "Hang Josie!" says he.

All the Avonlea scholars were in a fever of excitement that day, for the hall had to be decorated and a last grand rehearsal held. The concert came off in the evening and was a pronounced success. The little hall was crowded; all the performers did excellently well, but Anne was the bright particular star of the occasion, as even envy, in the shape of Josie Pye, dared not deny.

"One was from Westmoreland and the other from Kings the latter, I am told, is the banner county for intelligence and ability." "Now Helen Rushton, I am not going to stand that," exclaimed Josie, her eyes sparkling with good natured repartee "indeed the famous county of St.

As she spoke, she signed her name on the register and opened her purse. Boyle looked over his keyboard. "Give me 47, if you can," said Josie carelessly. She had swiftly run her eye over the hotel register. "Forty-seven is always my lucky number." "It's taken," said the clerk. "Well, 43 is the next best," asserted Josie. "I made forty-three dollars the last week I was in New York.

"Therefore you are determined not to go to your destination and you are at your wits' end to know what to do. Let me advise you, for the sake of my own little Josie." The abrupt proposal bewildered her. "You are my enemy!" "Don't think that, Miss," he said gently. "I am an officer of the law, engaged in doing my duty. I am not your enemy and bear you no ill-will."

But for this untoward circumstance, my dear Josie would still be the light of my house, and I should not be gnawing at my mustache in the throes of misanthropy. Jim is slight and not very tall, and he does not look especially strong. They tell me that he has worked very hard, and that he has won his way purely by his own energy and talent.

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