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Here testaments were promulgated, slaves manumitted, bargains of sale concluded; and sometimes, for greater security, the most considerable of these deeds were inserted in the blank leaves of the parish bible, which thus became a kind of register too sacred to be falsified.

Not wholly exact either, if your story be true, Hume." "My story is true. Helen herself will tell it you, word for word." "This is most important. Look at that broken small 'c, and the bent capital 'D. The letter 'a, too, is out of gear, and does not register accurately.

But the various newspapers repeat each other's versions, with slight alterations; The Gentleman's Magazine, and Annual Register, follow suit, the narratives are 'synoptic, while Goldsmith's tract, if it be Goldsmith's, is obviously written in defence of the unlucky Mr. K., falsely accused of murder by the ghost. Mr.

The man flung down a labeled key, twisted round his register, which was fitted in a swivel frame, and handed George a pen. "We want two rooms," Edgar objected. "Can't help that. We've only got one." "I suppose we'd better take it. Where can one get a drink?" "Bar," replied the other, indicating a gap in a neighboring partition. "They're laconic in this country," Edgar remarked.

If he had unsuspectingly gone up to the high shelf to reach for the book he would have stood so close to the register that there would have been powder burns on his shirt front just as there had been on Dexter Sprague's.

It will be impossible for me, in these Memoirs, to give all the public documents of this sort which I have sent forth to warn my fellow-countrymen of their danger, and to exhort them to stand up to maintain and defend their rights and liberties; but I will insert this, my first printed address, as I find it in the tenth volume of Cobbett's Political Register, published in November, 1806; and it will shew that I have always been consistent in my public conduct, and always maintained the same independent principles from that time to this.

Luigi Dimambro staying at your hotel? He is, I believe" here Selwood made a bold shot at a possibility "a seller of curios, or art objects. I know he stops here sometimes." The manager rubbed his hands together and reflected. "One moment, sir," he said. "I get the register. The hotel guests, they come in here for meals, but always I do not recollect their names, and sometimes not know them.

But he put up his hand to stop me. "It slightly deteriorates, I say, with the passage of time." He paused a moment impressively. "No one has hitherto discovered any system which will accurately record the speed of a vehicle or of any rotary movement and register it at the lowest as at the highest speeds."

Wherefore, having completed his inspection, Harry spoke a few well-considered words of praise that rang sufficiently true to make Umu his devoted slave henceforward, while the faint suggestion conveyed that the praise was not quite unqualified impressed the Indian noble with a sense of the high standard of perfection that must exist in the young monarch's mind, and caused him there and then to register a silent vow that the regiment should be brought up to that standard, even though he should be obliged to kill every man of it in the process.

And, by the way, this thermometer must register higher than the highest temperature the oven is capable of reaching. Above is shown a sketch of the stove, interior and exterior, which will give an idea of what a japanner's stove is like.

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