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Examine him, hear him, meditate on him. He paused cruelly for Edbury to open his mouth. The young lord looked confounded, and from that moment behaved becomingly.

He knew where the door was even though the ivy hung thick over it but he did not know exactly where it lay that buried key. So he stopped and stood still, looking about him, and almost the moment after he had paused he started and listened asking himself if he were walking in a dream.

These were buildings that might last for ages and still retain all their original weather-proof comfort for the creatures they sheltered. She felt pleased with this man Moreton Kenyon. She passed round the angle of the building to the doorway, and paused for a moment to admire the scheme of the farm.

"No, not at all!" said Olva. "I think they thought me nearly an idiot at home not sane at all. But they didn't think of me very often. They used to apologise for me when people came to tea. I wasn't clever, of course that's why they thought I'd make a good parson." He paused then very nervously he went on. "But now I've met you I shan't be. Nothing can make me. I've always watched you.

She paused a moment over her reply; then she asked quietly: "What made you decide not to any longer?" She felt again the vibration of a faint surprise. "Why the wish to please you!" he answered, almost too simply. "I wish you would not go on, then," she said abruptly. He stopped in his quick walk, and she felt his stare through the darkness. "Not go on ?" "Call a hansom, please.

Then I paused long enough for the audience to see that I gave him full opportunity to get it down as he did. Then I gathered my threads together and entered on my peroration. It worked out precisely as I had anticipated. My opponent began at the beginning, as he saw it, and all his time went over those decoy points and the chairman rapped him down long before he reached that special point.

"I will do your will, beloved; but I do it not for the wrong that I should suffer for that I should count no wrong but for the wrong that I should be doing you." She paused as if for an answer. I had none for her. I raised my arms, then let them fall again, and bowed my head.

Well, my lad, what do you want?" He paused a moment or two, but Proshka made no reply. "Come, come!" went on the old man. "Set out the samovar, and then give Mavra the key of the store-room here it is and tell her to get out some loaf sugar for tea. Here! Wait another moment, fool! Is the devil in your legs that they itch so to be off? Listen to what more I have to tell you.

Overhead was the moon, clear-edged, bright, in the dusk of the immensities beyond; behind the monster, who paused that breath as in design to fill his victim's last moment with a hope that he soon would mock, Mackenzie saw young Reid. The youth was close upon the midnight strangler, stooping low.

He paused as the clerk retired with a wondering gaze at the money, looked again at Clarence, said, "I think YOU'LL do," and reentered the private office, closing the door behind him.

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