Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: December 28, 2024
"I ain't the best this mornin'!" "Ye'll get better with the goin' of the warm weather," consoled Jake. "These days be hot now for the wellest of us." "Yep," murmured Daddy Skinner, drowsily. Tessibel left the two men alone, and went back to the kitchen. Her throat was filled with longing, her lips drawn a little closer together. She sat down near the door, looking out upon the lake.
It wasn't just like talking to Daddy himself; but it seemed to help some. It enabled her, too, to write shorter letters to friends back in Greensboro and she managed to hide from them much of her homesickness. She could write of the beauty of Poketown itself; for it was beautiful. It was only the people who were so well! so different. Janice welcomed Monday morning.
"Yes, isn't it!" cried Dotty; "let's dig something, Daddy." "What can we find?" And Mr. Rose looked around. "Why, my goodness, my basket is full already!" "What's in it?" cried Genie, scampering around to see. "Oh, goody! cookies and lemonade!"
There were four of them, for little rosy Cousin John from next door always came in for an Indian game. They had all Indian dresses with high feathers and wooden clubs or tomahawks. Daddy was in his usual untidy tweeds, but carried a rifle. He was very serious when he entered the room, for one should be very serious in a real good Indian game.
I I feel I don't know just how I think it's homesick." Her voice broke in a bursting sob. Her control gone, her pride fell with it. Wheeling on the seat she cast upon him a look of despairing appeal. "Oh, Daddy John," was all she could gasp, and then bent her head so that her hat might hide the shame of her tears.
That coat seemed to bring me good luck. I got work right after you gave it to me, and I've been working ever since, though I did tramp a lot." "Well, I'm glad to hear you had good luck," said Daddy Bunker. "But I'm sorry you didn't find the real estate papers I left in the coat pocket. They must have been in when my clerk let you have it, but perhaps they dropped out."
"I guess I will, too," said Laddie. "I can think of a riddle the next time." A little later the children heard a voice asking: "Well, are you having a good time?" They looked up to see Daddy and Mother Bunker walking toward them through the woods. "Oh, we're having lots of fun!" said Rose, who had been amusing Vi, Margy and Mun Bun. "And we almost found your lost papers," added Russ.
"My father says he's a dangerous man." "He's a crook!" said Charlie, stolidly and finally. Lydia stamped her foot. "He's not and he's my friend!" she cried. "You'd better not admit it!" Margery's voice was scornful. "Daddy says he's going to speak to your father about him." "Your father'd better not go up against Levine too hard," said Kent, with a superior masculine air.
"But it it's dark," she went on. "All caves are dark," Bunny Brown answered. "They have to be dark or they wouldn't be caves. Nobody ever saw a light cave." "Well, I like a light cave best," said Sue. "How long has we got to stay here, Bunny?" "Till Daddy comes for us, I guess," he said. "We can't walk back to camp all alone. I don't know the way. We'd get losted worse than we are now."
She entered without speaking, threw herself at the foot of the couch, and laid her head against her father's knees. "Is that you, Missy?" he said, feeling for her with a groping hand. "Daddy John couldn't find a clergyman." "I know," she answered, and lay without moving, her face buried in the folds of the blanket. They said no more, and Daddy John stole out of the tent.
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