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Updated: November 18, 2024
They were half way across the lake when Sue suddenly cried: "Oh, there she goes! Oh, she's fallen in!" "What is it?" asked Mr. Brown, turning around quickly, for he was seated with his back toward his little girl. "It's my doll!" Sue cried. "She jumped right out of my arms, and fell in the lake."
Then Bunny and Sue told her, and she laughed harder than ever. Bunny and Sue smiled, for now they knew Mrs. Gordon did not mind about the broken eggs. "Well, I'm glad you found the nest, anyhow, if you did break the eggs," said the storekeeper's wife. "Maybe now my hen will not go over into your barn, but will make her nest in our coop, where she ought to make it.
It was not so light now, for it was coming on toward night, and the sky was covered with clouds. "If we shut our eyes and go to sleep we won't mind the dark," said Bunny. "All right let's," agreed Sue. They cuddled up on the bags, their arms around one another, with Sue's doll held close in her hand, while Splash lay down not far from them. Bunny was not sure he had been asleep.
Sitting on a branch, high above the lad's head, was Wango the monkey, eating the piece of cake. "It's the very same boy, I know it is!" declared Sue. "What same boy?" asked Sadie West, while the other boys and girls watched the climber. "The same one who was with the little girl that sang songs in the Opera House show. Don't you remember, Bunny?" asked Sue.
In the prison he met Eugene Sue, who was detained for the same cause, and who carried the thing off in lordly fashion, having sumptuous repasts brought to him on his own silver service. Owing to this attitude there was a certain coldness at first between the two novelists, but before long they joined forces in order to enliven their days of imprisonment.
The second cause was, when one came unto Casca being a conspirator, and taking him by the hand, said unto him: O Casca, thou keepest it close from me, but Brutus hath told me all. Casca being amazed at it, the other went on with his tale, and said: Why, how now, how cometh it to pass thou art thus rich, that thou dost sue to be Ædile?
Sue picked many of these, and then she and Aunt Lu put them in pitchers and vases of water, and set them on the tables. There were two tables, one for the girls and one for the boys. Bunny had asked that this be done. "'Cause the girls will bring their dolls to the table," he said, "and we fellows don't want to eat with a lot of dolls."
"But how are we going to get my darling Sallie Malinda back?" asked Sue, and there were tears in her eyes. "Daddy will find some way. Won't you, Daddy?" asked Bunny, for he did not like to see his little sister sad. "Well, the only thing I can see to do is to turn the automobile around and go back to look for Sue's Teddy bear," said Mr. Brown.
Indeed, they always resent it when I call them brother. To show how far their ungenerosity can carry them, I will state that I offered to let Prof. H y publish my great theory as his own discovery; I even begged him to do it; I even proposed to print it myself as his theory. Instead of thanking me, he said that if I tried to fasten that theory on him he would sue me for slander.
A portion, crumbled by damp, required renewal; and when this had been done, and the whole cleansed, he began to renew the lettering. On the second morning Sue came to see what assistance she could render, and also because they liked to be together. She was quite pleased at her powers; she had acquired them in the days she painted illumined texts for the church-fitting shop at Christminster.
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