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I begged to keep my clothes on; I insisted; I promised to come tomorrow; but it wasn't any good, and in a few minutes he was hitting me harder than either of the two before. Maybe I was more tender! He electrocuted me extra from a switchboard, ran red-hot needles into my legs, and finally, after banging me around the room, said I was the strongest and wellest man who had ever entered his office.

"I ain't the best this mornin'!" "Ye'll get better with the goin' of the warm weather," consoled Jake. "These days be hot now for the wellest of us." "Yep," murmured Daddy Skinner, drowsily. Tessibel left the two men alone, and went back to the kitchen. Her throat was filled with longing, her lips drawn a little closer together. She sat down near the door, looking out upon the lake.

Their mother, just a slip of a girl herself, 'm, had only time for a long look at her babbies before she begun to sink, and when she see, herself, 'twas the end, she whispered, 'Debby' I was right over her, 'm, leaving the babbies to anybody, for little they were to me then, beside the dear young mistress so she says, says she, 'Debby! and I says, very soft-like, 'Yes, Miss Helen, 'cause, mind you, I'd been her maid afore she was merrit at all, and I allays forgot when I wasn't thinkin', and give her the old name and I says, 'Yes, Miss Helen? And then she smiles up at me just as bright as on her wellest days, 'm, and says, 'Call 'em Faith and Hope, Debby; that's what they would be to me if and not rightly onderstandin' of her, I breaks in, 'Faith and Hope?