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Updated: September 20, 2024

Since then she had seen the world until she was tired of it. At times she had been terribly homesick for Old Church, and she had never been happy except when Gay had taken her to see pictures or into wonderful parks. Always the thought had lain hidden in her mind that some day, when she could stand it no longer, she would go back and wear her red jacket and run free in the fields with Abel again.

Fillmore talked Broadway without a pause, till by the time he had worked his way past the French pastry and was lolling back, breathing a little stertorously, waiting for the coffee and liqueurs, he had got me so homesick that, if it hadn't been that I didn't want to make a public exhibition of myself, I should have broken down and howled. It was crazy of me ever to go near the Savoy.

I helped him build up a momentary Broadway there in the wilderness the lights, the din, the hurrying, jostling theater crowds, the cafés, faces, faces anguished faces, eager faces, weary faces, painted faces, squalor, brilliance. For me the memory of it only made me feel the pity of it all. But the lad's eyes beamed. He was homesick for Broadway.

"I guess you have some of your poor father's artistic taste," she said to her at one pause. "I wish my father could have seen this place," was Sylvia's reply. When the time came for Thinkright to make his adieux she clung to him. "I declare I believe she's homesick at the parting," said Miss Lacey to Edna.

Italian beds and vermin, Italian post-boys and their sorry nags are too frequently the theme of his discourse. He even assures us that the young gentlemen whom he had always pictured as highly delighted by the Grand Tour are in reality very homesick for England. They are weary of the interminable drives and interminable conversazioni of Italy and long for the fox-hunting of Great Britain.

If the missionary postmistress at Cape Prince of Wales, on Behring Strait, had realized what homesick feelings she was going to stir up in Johnny's heart by impressing her post office stamp on that bill before she paid it to some Eskimo, perhaps she would not have stamped it, and then again, perhaps she would.

She lifted her golden eyes to his a moment, and then dropped them under the scrutiny of his gaze, which he felt, the next instant, to have been inconsiderate. "A little homesick, I dare say," he went on, looking down at the kitten, "that was to be expected." "Even when one never had a home?" she asked. "The nearest thing to it that I have had was the convent where I was educated.

He was, too, always in a certain sense homesick; not that he was anxious to go home or looked forward to his return with great pleasure, but he was a man out of place, and had lost the natural harmonies between the outer and the inner life.

"You'd have to go farther west to find my stamping grounds." "Ah, let me see Nevada?" She shook her head. "California?" "Still farther west." "It can't be, or else I've forgotten my geography." "It's your politics," she laughed. "Don't you remember 'Annexation'?" "The Philippines!" he cried triumphantly. "No, Hawaii. I was born there. It is a beautiful land. My, I'm almost homesick for it already.

And I was dying to come home. I was homesick. No one was ever so homesick. I've thought of this place and the garden, and how one looked out of the window at the passers-by, a thousand times. I seemed always to be seeing them. Old Dimple with his benevolent smile, and Mrs.

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