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Updated: August 20, 2024
From him we learned that the Lord Wellington having on board one hundred and sixty settlers for the Red River, principally foreigners, of both sexes and every age, had now been twenty days among the ice, and had been drifted about in various directions at no small risk to the ship. By the Prince of Wales we sent our last letters for our friends in England.
The country of course was all scrubs and sandhills. We saw a few currajong-trees during our day's stage, and where we camped there were a number of well-grown eucalyptus-trees with yellow bark. These seemed to me very like the yellow jacket timber that grows on watercourses in parts of New South Wales and Queensland. The water I had sent out to this place was just sufficient to fill up the camels.
Such an individual has, since Southey's day and Scott's, appeared in the person of Lady Charlotte Guest, an English lady united to a gentleman of property in Wales, who, having acquired the language of the principality, and become enthusiastically fond of its literary treasures, has given them to the English reader, in a dress which the printer's and the engraver's arts have done their best to adorn.
Dover had been sent to Portsmouth with instructions to take charge of the Prince of Wales; and Dartmouth, who commanded the fleet there, had been ordered to obey Dover's directions in all things concerning the royal infant, and to have a yacht manned by trusty sailors in readiness to sail for France at a moment's notice.
He meant, without a doubt, to get the barons of the border, Welsh and English, to unite against Edward. But in some chance skirmish a soldier slew him, not knowing who he was. When they heard that their Prince was fallen, his men in Snowdon entirely lost heart. They had no faith in David, and in a few months the whole of Wales was at Edward's feet.
True to his motto, "I serve," the Prince of Wales who came to see us in 1919 as did his grandfather, whom the story-teller saw when he visited our Independence Hall in 1860 loved to be the servant of his people. What was it that wrought this peaceful wonder of the sixteenth century? Was it a fairy spell magic ointment, star-tipped wand, treasures of caves, or ocean depths?
The capel needs your money, boys bach, that the light the grand, religious light shall shine in the pulpit. That is the lamp which burns throughout Wales. It keeps our feet from Church door and public house, and it guides us to the polling booth where we record our votes as the preacher has instructed us.
Ten miles north of Cardiff is the rude and inaccessible castle of Caerphilly, which is reckoned the most extensive ruin in the Kingdom. Following the coast road for one hundred miles, one comes to the ancient town of St. Davids, at the extreme southwestern point of Wales. Here in the Middle Ages was a city of considerable size, a great resort of pilgrims to St.
"Here, in the Saxon lands, men call me Owen the Briton," he answered simply. "I thought your voice had somewhat of the Welsh tone," my father said. "And your English is of Mercia. I have heard that there are Britons in the fenland there." "I am of West Wales, Thane, but I have bided long in Mercia." Then came my old nurse, and there were words enough for the time.
‘Know Welsh!’ said Winifred, stopping her cart. ‘How and when did you learn it?’ said Peter. ‘From books, in my boyhood.’ ‘Read Welsh!’ said Peter; ‘is it possible?’ ‘Read Welsh!’ said Winifred; ‘is it possible?’ ‘Well, I hope you will come with us,’ said Peter. ‘Come with us, young man,’ said Winifred; ‘let me, on the other side of the brook, welcome you into Wales.’
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