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I was dumfounded at his solemnity, at the responsibility he was putting upon me. It was my first realization of the fact that The Wand had indeed become the voice of the Brulé; that where it led, people would follow. If my going would start a general exodus, I had to stay. I walked wearily out of the Land Office, leaving the proofs on his desk.

As they raised their heads, they saw the oldest judge arise and point with his golden wand to the marble tablet. The characters of the music had disappeared, and the vellum on which they had been written was as white as snow. There was no need of any further decision.

As soon as he had started, the bear came to the queen and implored to be allowed to go to the ball, saying that she would hide herself so well that no one would know she was there. The kind-hearted queen could not refuse her. Then the bear ran to her barrow, threw off her bear's skin, and touched it with the magic wand that the witch had given her.

He stroked the insensible with his hands upon the eyebrows and down the spine; traced figures upon their breast and abdomen with his long white wand, and they were restored to consciousness. They became calm, acknowledged his power, and said they felt streams of cold or burning vapour passing through their frames, according as he waved his wand or his fingers before them.

Stanislaw Przybyszewski in his "Zur Psychologie des Individuums" approaches the morbid Chopin the Chopin who threw open to the world the East, who waved his chromatic wand to Liszt, Tschaikowsky, Saint-Saens, Goldmark, Rubinstein, Richard Strauss, Dvorak and all Russia with its consonantal composers.

At first the morning was a little dull and cold, giving a somewhat sombre tone to the scenery; but after a time the sun shone out brightly, chasing away the shadows and lighting up the wondrous beauties of the Alpine landscape, bringing forth glints of coloured light from the dazzling waters, which reflected the blue sky overhead a charming and fairy-like change, as if the wand of some good genius had been waved around, effecting a complete transformation.

When Isaac Neugass said, "Well, whad can I do for you?" something within her thawed so that she could have cried. "I'm looking for this furnished room," she said, and held out the slip toward him. "You wand my wife," he said, waving her the direction. "Go right outside to the next stoop and ring the bell over Neugass." "Oh, thank you!" she said, suiting her action to his word. "It's a nize room.

This message will be the cause of dire misfortunes. 'I will send you news of them, Ganélon answered. And he said to Charles, 'Let me depart, sire, as I must go. I wish to lose no time. 'Go then, replied the King, making over him the sign of the cross and giving him the wand of office. And Ganélon went.

This thought is the magic wand of poets and of preachers: it strips the scales from our fleshly eyes, and gives us a clear view into human life; it opens to the ear a world of unknown melodies, and makes us understand the thousand languages of nature. Thwarted love makes a man a polyglot, and grief transforms him into a diviner and a sorcerer. April 16, 1855.

She would gladly, at that moment, spend half her savings on refitting her house if some fairy wand could do it in a moment. Where is the general who has not trembled on the eve of a battle? The poor woman was now between her Austerlitz and her Waterloo. "Madame la Vicomtesse de Troisville," she said to herself; "a noble name! Our property will go to a good family, at any rate."

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