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Updated: January 22, 2025
But, in a little while, the people had the whole power in their own hands, and chose annually the governor, the counsellors, and the representatives. The people of old England had never enjoyed any thing like the liberties and privileges, which the settlers of New England now possessed.
Cal Warren had been the vanguard of each new rush of settlers that had pushed Bill Harris on to another range, and the cowman had come to see the hand of fate in this persistence. The nesters streamed westward on all the trails, filing their rights on the fertile valleys and pushing those who would be cattle barons undisputed back into the more arid regions.
Young men should be encouraged to engage themselves in the service of settlers, as shepherds or stockkeepers, and the masters should be induced to remunerate their services more adequately than they usually do.
Perhaps, as he had looked day after day across the wide far-reaching miles with their seas and scarfs and veils of color to the purple mountains, the very greatness of the unpeopled lands forced him to a larger thinking and planning and dreaming than would have been possible in the limited views of his eastern homeland; or that the spirit of the hardy settlers awoke the blood of his own pioneer ancestors to a feeling of fellowship; or his constant struggle with the river aroused the old conquering spirit of his race.
In Kentucky the effect was really invigorating; and the settlers, who for a year past had been driven from their homes in terror and dismay who had quitted their peaceable farming implements for the destructive weapons of strife and bloodshed now ventured to return to their desolate firesides, and renew their honest occupations of tilling the soil.
After his death the king sent directions to Acting Governor Francis West to summon a general assembly; and March 26, 1628, after an interval of four years, the regular law-making body again assembled at Jamestown, an event second only in importance to the original meeting in 1619. Other matters besides the form of government pressed upon the attention of the settlers.
It was not always so. There was a time when its inhabitants had to toil, so to speak, with the spade in one hand, and the musket in the other. It lies in a hollow of the great rolling plains, and was founded, like many of the eastern towns, in the memorable "1820," when the "British settlers" came out, and a new era for the colony began.
The great Indian nations were making a frantic effort to drive from their hunting grounds the little bands of settlers there, and these were in sore straits. So I waited, and gave Polly Ann no hint of my intention. Sometimes she herself would slip away across the notch to see Mrs. McChesney and the children.
They both knew of the cave on the rocky slope near Lake Dunmore, and that messages were sometimes left there for the settlers. But Lake Dunmore was a long distance away. "It would take all day to go and get back," said Esther, "and our mothers would never let us go; you know they wouldn't." "One of us ought to go to-morrow," answered Faith, "but how can we plan it?" "I know!
But it was impossible to rule over the natives satisfactorily unless the Spanish settlers could be forced to submit to the laws, and the Adelantado was not powerful enough to keep the bad characters in subjection. The loyal and decent men of the colony were in a small minority. The consequence was that the unfortunate Guarionex was again goaded into insurrection.
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