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Updated: August 21, 2024
Half an hour had passed since she left; it struck the half hour after eight as she descended the stairs. "I'm sore afraid my lady will catch cold sleeping in the night air. I do think now I ought to go in and wake her." While she stood hesitating before it, the door opened suddenly and Miss Catheron came out. She was very pale.
Let me see it." He knelt down, washed the sore with his own hands and bound it up with some clean linen that he took from his knapsack. He displayed the gentleness of a woman and the deftness of a surgeon, whose big fingers can be so pliant when necessity requires it.
He also had lost it, "the innocent sleep, sore labor's bath, balm of hurt minds." He had never been a great sleeper; at least he had accustomed himself to the habit, hard at first, of passing only a few hours in bed.
Powders of anything were put in papers; but, at all events, there was nothing hurtful in them. We now travelled on foot with our dresses in bundles, each carrying his own, except Num, who was loaded like a pack-horse, and made sore lamentations: "Can't you carry some of this?" "No," replied I, "it is your own luggage; everyone must carry his own."
Thus with the other provender he gave his horses smallage, and this upon very good reason; for horses that lie still grow sore in their feet, and smallage is the best remedy in the world against that. And you will not find smallage or anything of the same nature given to any other horses in the whole "Iliad."
In high dudgeon, full of fire and fury, back rushed the knight, sore under the sense of having been made an April-fool of in July; for no one in the place whereto he went, had ever heard of a widow'd Countess of Lancing; and her ladyship's acres, if any where at all, were undoubtedly not in the North Riding.
Then he drew his sword and smote upon the right hand and upon the left hand, so that within a few strokes he had slain other three knights, and the remnant that abode he wounded them sore all that did abide.
The other, however, retained sufficient presence of mind to whisper to him, "'Tis a bet, and I have won it!" But the first thing he did as soon as he got home, was to have a large blister put on his chest and back to draw out his madness. The next morning he had a sore chest and a bleeding back; and, excepting the fright, that was all that he had gained by the Shoes of Fortune.
He paused, for words did not come easily to him, as with all his race. A low groan broke from the crippled warrior. "Too late, kinsman, too late! Cromwell is come, and I will never sit a horse again ah, no protests, lad! How old are you?" "Twenty-three." "By my faith, you look thirty! Lad, my heart is sore for you. I am wasted and broken.
Sore and desolate was my heart; but with infinite gratitude to the great controller of all events, I recognised in it a change which nothing but the spirit of all good can effect. The love and fear of God had grown strong within me in humbleness I bowed to his awful will with a sincere trust I relied upon the goodness, the wisdom, and the mercy of him who had sent this great affliction.
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