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As soon as she had left the room, the two girls threw down their work and, running across to Roger, saluted him most heartily. "That is a much better welcome," Roger said, "than the formal greetings you before gave me. I wonder what Cousin Mercy would have said, had she chanced to come in again." "Mother guessed well enough what it would be, when we were alone together," Dorothy said, laughing.

"Oh, Champney, I'm so thankful you've come! I knew just by the way you came over the bridge that things were going better at the sheds. You are so late I began to get worried. Come, supper's waiting." "Wait a minute, Aileen Mother " he called through the hall, "come here a minute, please." Aurora Googe came quickly at that ever welcome call.

Death," I continued musingly as I deliberately rammed home a charge into the bowl, "must be about the same to one man as to another, except for matter of temperament; so if you can afford to sit here and welcome its coming, so can I." "Do you mean you are sufficiently crazy to remain deliberately and die with me?" "Certainly.

They were always wanting something or other, dresses and ornaments, and what not; their maids used to tell me what they wanted, and I used to give them the things for the sake of the welcome that they bought for me. But, at the same time, they used to give me little lectures on my behavior in society; they began about it at once. Then they began to feel ashamed of me.

But it doesn't matter; you are equally welcome." And she was invited to the concert in the evening the family concert; great enthusiasm and thin voices; we know the sort of thing. No refreshments were given, only there was plenty to drink, for the whole pond was free. "Now I shall resume my journey," said the little Toad; for she always felt a longing for something better.

Murray, who met her in the anteroom, informed her that fifty men, the sturdiest in the glen, awaited her orders; while she, telling her cousin of the earl's approval, took the sacred banner in her hand, and followed him to the gallery in the hall. The moment she appeared, a shout of joy bade her welcome.

'I need not ring at my own house, Arthur thought, as he opened the door and stepped into the hall; and thus it was that the first intimation which Frank had of his arrival was when he saw him standing in the midst of a crowd of people, who were gazing curiously at him. 'Arthur! he exclaimed, rushing forward and taking his brother's hand. 'Welcome home again!

It does not fall within its province "to inquire whether the traditional policy of this country to admit and welcome all who seek our shores and submit themselves loyally to our laws ought, in the case of some and what aliens, to be revised"; or whether discrimination ought to be made between an alien of one nationality and an alien of another.

Here the rest of the tenants and the women were collected, and there was another hearty greeting, and another speech from Mallett. Then they drove up to the house, where a number of the gentry had assembled to welcome him. After shaking hands and chatting with these for a short time, Frank went round among the tenants, saying a few words to each.

Here, "in the wilderness," in the bosom of the Great West, in the city of one hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, whence emanated the first public move in America for his personal cause, and also his liberation from captivity, do we welcome Louis Kossuth, the champion of self-government in Europe. Kossuth in response said: Mr.

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