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Updated: December 24, 2024

In the hand of my ward, Evelyn Cameron, I trust to obtain at once the domestic happiness to which I have as yet been a stranger, and the wealth necessary to my career." Lord Vargrave continued, after a short pause, "Though my avocations have separated us so much, I have no doubt of her steady affection, and, I may add, of her sense of honour.

There was a long pause, Mary standing, just as she had been interrupted, in her night toilette, with her long, light hair streaming down over her white dress, and the comb held mechanically in her hand.

Samuel again cleared his throat, shifted his feet, and with an evident effort replied: "I have not committed any sin, but I know my work is done badly. My heart is so heavy that I can hardly bear the weight." "What is this heaviness?" Samuel did not reply, but after a pause asked this question: "Miss Elizabeth, do you believe that all men, white and black, are equal?"

Then, when he thought he had been sufficiently admired, he sang A che la morte, Il Balen, and several other Italian airs, in which frequent allusion was made to the inconstancy of woman's and the truth of man's affection. At every pause in the music these sentiments were laughingly contested by Mrs. Barton. She appealed to Milord. He never had had anything to complain of.

The place where they had chosen to pause was at the grave of old Patience Goodyear, and from the corner where we stood we could see their faces plainly as they turned and looked at each other with the moonbeams pouring over them. Was it fancy that made her look like a wraith, and he like some handsome demon given to haunting churchyards?

In that brief moment of pause I saw crazed crowds battling in narrow streets, trampling over mounds of the fallen, surging over barricades of bodies, clawing and tearing at each other in their flight.

"Puss," he ventured after another long pause, "would you rather have me stay here with you instead of going to Reno?" He held his breath for her answer and his heart beat wildly. How could he renounce his ambitions or even postpone their fulfilment when they meant so much to him?

Just as we turned the second corner, after passing Mr. Edmund's well, who should appear, standing right in front of me, and looking me full in the face, but old Mr. Peterson, my grandfather. "Why, bless my soul, Gordon," said he, after a long pause, "why, why, whose dirty cloak is that you have on?" "Sir!"

To the artistic spirit exercised about Thirlmere, here is a crumb of consolation; consolatory, at least, to such of them as look out upon the world through seeing eyes, and contentedly accept beauty where it comes. But the conservative, while lauding progress, is ever timid of innovation; his is the hand upheld to counsel pause; his is the signal advising slow advance.

A princess could not have revealed her name more royally. She added, after a pause, 'And I mean to come over first, so go back. 'Never! I never go back! 'Then I shall push you over in the water. 'Come on and try, then!

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