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He interpreted this as referring to the dramatic world, and they had a gay and exhilarating exchange of titles, after this manner: MURIEL: Have you seen "Peg o' My Heart"? MAURY: No, I haven't. You want to see it. MAURY: Have you seen "Omar, the Tentmaker"? MURIEL: No, but I hear it's wonderful. I'm very anxious to see it. Have you seen "Fair and Warmer"? MURIEL: I don't think it's very good.

But Chayne had no doubt that she was referring to that decision which she had taken on the summit of the peak. She stood up to go. "You stay here to-night?" she said. "Yes." "You cross the Col Dolent to-morrow?" "Yes." She looked at him quickly and then away. "You will be careful? In the shadow there?" "Yes."

Bouvard was pleased to reply by referring to the rising of mountains, the theory of Elie de Beaumont. "Don't know him," returned the abbé. Foureau hastened to explain: "He is from Caen. I have seen him at the Prefecture." "But if your Deluge," Bouvard broke in again, "had sent shells drifting, they would be found broken on the surface, and not at depths of three hundred metres sometimes."

In the series of articles in which we have undertaken to give an idea of the scope of the courses of architectural study offered by the various schools of the country, we can hardly do better, in referring to Columbia College, than quote from a paper in which Professor William R. Ware describes the methods used for the teaching of the history of architecture at Columbia.

If one means that things begin to exist only through this will, one is justified in referring to the preceding propositions; but if one means that the existence of things is at all times a consequence of the will of God, one assumes more or less what is in question.

And then after referring in terms of praise to the industry of E. Evans, the versatile intellect of Taylor, and the thoroughness and conscientiousness of Debenham, Scott goes on to praise unreservedly the man to whom the whole expedition owed an immense debt of gratitude. 'To Bowers' practical genius is owed much of the smooth working of our station.

Joseph Mecklin, ex-Speaker of the House, with whom I traveled on occasions, had a speech referring to the martyred President, ending with an appeal to the revolutionary fathers who followed Washington with bleeding feet. The Hon. Joseph possessed that most valuable of political gifts, presence; and when with quivering voice he finished his peroration, citizens wept with him.

The consequence of this she foresaw, and therefore she resolved upon keeping her own counsel, satisfied if in the end she prevented Durward from making 'Lena his wife. To effect this, she endeavored, during the winter, to keep the matter almost constantly before Durward's mind, frequently referring to 'Lena's agitation when she first learned that Mr. Graham had started for Europe.

"Being in Capua usually referring to the fact that the Carthaginians went to pieces that winter?" she asked. "Oh yes, of course I know that. Good gracious! I was brought up on the idea of the dangers of being in Capua. Perhaps that's why I always thought it would be such fun to get there." She spoke rebelliously. "They got everlastingly beaten by the Romans," advanced Mr. Sommerville.

In Scripture the cassia is only three times mentioned, twice as the translation of the Hebrew word kiddak, and once as the rendering of ketzioth, but always as referring to an aromatic plant which formed a constituent portion of some perfume.

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