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Updated: January 5, 2025
"He is remarkably witty when in high spirits." "Another thing," said Nekhludoff. "There are a hundred and thirty men languishing in prison for the only reason that their passports were not renewed in time. They have been in prison now for a month." And he related the causes that kept them there. "How did you come to know it?" asked Nekhludoff, and his face showed disquietude and displeasure.
Amongst the few who knew Robert Fisher Clark at all well, for there were not many of them, there was no question as to his beliefs. It was too obvious that his primary faith was in himself. Nor is it known whether, at any time, he gave any thought or study to the character of those with whom, in the course of his remarkably active life, he came into association.
She does it; she's a remarkably forceful woman, but it frets her. She ought to be in better business, and she knows it, though she won't admit it. So, don't you mind if she's sharp-tongued once in a while. It's when she feels the muddy water oozing through her fingers." He fancied that Lydia's eyes on his were a little blank, perhaps absent, and broke off with a short laugh.
Elizabeth felt a trifle uncomfortable. Was the dear young man tilting at the idle rich and the corrupt Old World? She stole a glance at him, but perceived only that in his own tanned and sunburnt way he was a remarkably handsome well-made fellow, built on a rather larger scale than the Canadians she had so far seen. A farmer? His manners were not countrified.
From the waterside, the houses, ranged in streets, rise like so many terraces up to the crown of the ridges, the main streets occupying the crests and flanks of two or three of the highest. One of these, George Street, is a remarkably fine street, about two miles long, containing many handsome buildings. My first knowledge of Sydney was acquired in a stroll up George Street.
A thought had come to him, which comes to all men in moments of trial concerning women, moments calling for prompt treatment and nice judgment. A present! He could not afford it, but it must be done. What else could he do? He felt remarkably helpless. He felt about cautiously and intimately in his pocket, knowing with exactitude all that was there. It was not much.
Before the fire stood a small short man, with his hands behind him; near him was Miss Searle, so transformed by her dress that at first I scarcely knew her. There was in our entrance and reception something remarkably chilling and solemn. We moved in silence up the long room; Mr. Searle advanced slowly, a dozen steps, to meet us; his sister stood motionless.
She wanted to see Rembrandt, and he came, with a quantity of pictures. She wanted a symphony, and an orchestra "of some thirty musicians" at once appeared and gave her several, which she enjoyed to the full. Now George Eliot was a remarkably good musician. If she wanted an orchestra, she would have wanted at least sixty, and probably more than a hundred.
"Well, I don't quite class myself as a commercial traveller, you know, but in the main you are in fact, you are remarkably near right. I think you must be something of a mind-reader, as I said before, Miss Earle, or is it possible that I carry my business so plainly in my demeanour as all that?" Miss Earle laughed. It was a very bright, pleasant, cheerful laugh.
All he asked was that, my permission granted, she would be patient and wait a bit until he got on his feet, professionally he meant to say, and then I interrupted. "One moment," said I, trying to appear calm and succeeding remarkably well, considering the turmoil in my brain; "just a moment, Bayliss, if you please. Have you spoken to Miss Morley yet? Do you know her feelings toward you?"
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