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Updated: August 5, 2024
I have schooled myself as much as possible; but thoughts will come in spite of my endeavours to restrain them." "Of course they will, sir; that's natural: however, sir, you must hope for the best; fretting is no good, and it is sinful." "I feel it is, Ready; and when I see how patient, and even happy, my wife is under such privations, I am angry with myself."
"Do you mean that I haven't asked you yet?" Crozier remarked, with a quizzical look, which had still that faint hope against hope which is a painful thing for a good man's eyes to see. The Young Doctor laid a hand on Crozier's arm. "No, I didn't mean that, patient. I'm in that state when every penny I have is out to keep me from getting a fall.
But if, peradventure, the patient survived, he was pledged to spend the rest of his life in that holy vocation, renouncing every worldly advantage. So when, after a few hours, Wamba, in perfect health, opened his eyes, he found that instead of a King he was transformed into a Monk!
Such cases are by no means always connected with disappearances, but the variety known as the ambulatory type, where the patient suddenly loses all knowledge of his own identity and of his past and takes himself off, leaving no trace or clue, is the variety which the present case calls to popular attention.
After reading this paper, Belinda had some faint hopes that Lady Delacour's life might be saved; but she determined to wait till Dr. X should return to town, before she mentioned his opinion to his patient; and she earnestly hoped that no idea of putting herself into ignorant hands would recur to her ladyship.
She was carried to the hospital, where her case was considered a hopeless one. One day the doctor approached the bed where she lay, a corpse, as every one supposed. Taking her hand, he found the pulse feebly beating, and, attempting to place his hand on the heart, he discovered a female patient, where he had little expected one.
Melton without comment. He handed it back without a word. Later, he turned for an instant from the little bed to say, irrelevantly, "Peterson, of Toledo, would be better than Jones, if I have to have anybody. But so far, it's simple enough damnably simple." He was obliged to leave for a time after this, called by a patient at the point of death. That seemed quite natural to Lydia.
"Oh! the joy of the horse!" "I shall never get to that." But he did, for the hard riding-master scolded, smiled, praised, and when at last John sat in the saddle the bareback lessons gave him a certain confidence. The training went on day after day, under the rule of patient but relentless efficiency.
"You can see them tomorrow, sir early in the morning if you would be so kind to Lucy and myself, we should be very grateful what time can you see them tomorrow?" "You go too fast, sir. I cannot see either of them tomorrow, nor yet for many tomorrows." "Oh, sir, Lucy loves me and I love her, and " "Love must learn to wait to be patient and to be satisfied with hopes.
I have often heard a patient say to such a mistaken reader, "Don't read it to me; tell it me." Unconsciously he is aware that this will regulate the plunging, the reading with unequal paces, slurring over one part, instead of leaving it out altogether, if it is unimportant, and mumbling another.
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