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"No, Ezra, I didn't say cats. But you're talkin' in your sleep. That is, you were." "I was?" "Yes." "What'd I say?" and he seemed anxious. "Why you were talkin' a lot about flyin' in the air, and goin' up to the clouds, and bein' in a race, and winnin' twenty thousand dollars! Oh, Ezra, if you care for me at all, tell me what mystery this is!" she pleaded.

If I'd 'a' suspicioned you'd stole that horse, you wouldn't take him out of here. Like I said to Cheyenne, last week; he could fetch a whole carload of stock in here and take 'em out again without trouble. He was tellin' me how he lost his horses, and we got to talkin' about some folks bein' blind when they're facin' a brand on a critter. Mebby you heard tell of Cheyenne Hastings?"

So, bein' of a practical mind then, in my 'teens, same as I be to-day, I stopped behind and asked him takin' care to look bright and intelligent who might be this Jane he'd allooded to.

"Then why the jooce do you want me to go on the land?" said Andrew. "That ain't the point." "It's the most sticking out point to me," protested the lad. "I reckon bein' on the land is a mug's game; scrapin' like a fool when a feller could be sittin' in an office an' gettin' all they want twice as easy." "Here, you don't know what's good. It's more respectabler bein' on the land.

"The big stones are slippery from bein' in the water. Next I know I'll sit right down in the crick. Then wouldn't Phil be ready to laugh at me! It wonders me now where he is. I wish he'd come once and we'd have some fun." As if in answer to her wish a boyish whistle rang out, followed by a long-drawn "Oo-oh, Manda, where are you?" "Here. Wadin' in the crick," she called. "Come on in."

Me an' this lunkhead, Ike, my nephew, ain't used to great cities, an' me bein' of an inquirin' turn o' mind we'll be anxious to see all that's to be seed in Frankfort." "Don't you fear," replied Harry, full of gratitude, "I'll be back soon in the morning." "But don't furgit one thing," continued Jarvis. "I hear there's a mighty howdy-do here about the state goin' out o' the Union or stayin' in it.

'Well, muster, I make no doubt that you've heard tell fifty times over how I got a frost-bite when I was in Franz Josef Land with the expedition. It all came about with me bein' in such a hurry like to finish a job I'd to do, that I put off rubbin' my hands with snow, as is the right thing to do, remember, if so be as you boys ever get frostbit.

The only thing to be done was to wait and watch. If we could only get hold of something tangible, then we might hope to tell all that we knew, without being made into laughing-stocks. I came out from my think, abruptly. Stubbins was speaking again. He was arguing the matter with one of the other men. "You see, with there bein' no wind, scarcely, ther thing's himpossible, an' yet "

"But I suppose you are seldom awake when he comes in really late," said the detective. "Not as a rule," assented Mrs. Sampson; "bein' a 'eavy sleeper, and much disposed for bed, but I 'ave 'eard 'im come in arter twelve, the last time bein' Thursday week." "Ah!" Mr. Gorby drew a long breath, for Thursday week was the night upon which the murder was committed.

Ha! and in the dark? and alone with ye?" Mrs. Berry hardened her eyes, "and your husband away? What do this mean? Tell to me, child, what it mean his bein' here alone without ere a candle?" "Lord Mountfalcon is the only friend I have here," said Lucy. "He is very kind. He comes almost every evening." "Lord Montfalcon that his name!" Mrs. Berry exclaimed.

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