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Were all the hospital physicians of Europe and America to devote themselves, for the requisite period, to this sole pursuit, and were their results to be unanimous as to the total worthlessness of the whole system in practice, this slippery delusion would slide through their fingers without the slightest discomposure, when, as they supposed, they had crushed every joint in its tortuous and trailing body.

We went through some dozen of state-rooms, paddling along over the slippery floors of inlaid woods in great slippers, without which we must have come to the ground. How did his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange manage when he lived here, and her Imperial Highness the Princess, and their excellencies the chamberlains and the footmen?

The great Deventer treason had not yet been heard of in England for it had occurred only a week before this first interview but something of the kind was already feared; for the slippery dealings of York and Stanley with Tassis and Parma, had long been causing painful anxiety, and had formed the subject of repeated remonstrances on the part of the 'States' to Leicester and to the Queen.

We took it in turn to make foraging expeditions into the darkness, and the quantity the Swede brought back always made me feel that he took an absurdly long time finding it; for the fact was I did not care much about being left alone, and yet it always seemed to be my turn to grub about among the bushes or scramble along the slippery banks in the moonlight.

There were several children, and they danced the minuet, to the great admiration of the grown people. There were some other pleasures as well. The creeks were frozen over and there were fascinating slides, long, slippery places like a sheet of glass, and the triumph was to slide the whole length and keep one's head well up.

He had gone farther than he meant and was tired after scrambling across slippery rocks and among the driftwood that lay about the bank. There was, however, a shorter way back, and lighting his pipe he sat down upon the gravel and looked about.

This form of injury is of more frequent occurrence in animals of all ages that work on paved streets. The country horse is not subjected to the uncertain footing of the slippery pavement, nor to injuries which compare with those caused by contusions sustained in falling upon asphalt or cobble-stones. Symptomatology.

But, the upshot of the hesitant pause was a decision to brave the consequences all of them; so she took Calvert's arm for the slippery crossing of the ice-bridge. Once on his own domain, Adams did the honors of the camp as thoroughly and conscientiously as if the hour held no care heavier than the entertainment of Miss Virginia Carteret.

The flagged causeway across the plain was slippery to walk on, and my mule would not agree with me that there was any need to hurry. He knew the Chinese character better than I did. Gunfire, the signal for the closing of the gates, had sounded when we were two miles from the wall; but sentries are negligent in China and the gates were still open.

"Turn to your left and proceed carefully along the edge. I'll turn to my right. Go easy, lad; feel your way." I crawled on my hands and knees, no faster than a snail, feeling every inch of the ground. The surface was wet and slippery, and in places sloped at an angle that made me hang on for dear life to keep from shooting off into space.

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