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Updated: September 22, 2024

He spoke briefly and only once, although the debate became long and impassioned. But he was merely reserving his fire, as subsequent developments soon showed. Without a call for the ayes and nays, the question was decided in favor of declaring the power of removal to be in the President. The committee then proceeded to the consideration of the Treasury Department.

She clasped her small hands ecstatically, crying, "O o h! it would be super-bon-donjical!" The gentlemen laughed, the tall, white-haired one until his shoulders shook. Then he rapped on the table, and said something about "Miss Polly May," to which the little girl did n't pay much attention, and there was a big chorus of ayes. After that Polly bade them all good-bye, and went upstairs with Dr.

Blaine and General Garfield as the leading participants on the Republican side, and Benjamin H. Hill, Mr. Randall, and Mr. Cox on the Democratic side. Upon a second effort to pass the bill with an amendment requiring an oath of loyalty as a prerequisite to removal of disabilities, it failed to secure the necessary two-thirds, the ayes being 184, the noes 97.

To be sure, demonstrations of applause at a good bit, or of discontent with a prosy speaker, are common, but anything approaching disorder is of rare occurrence. The adherence to forms and precedents is not a little amusing. Take, for example, a "division," which corresponds to a call for the Ayes and Noes with us.

Chunky is fat, and can appear very dignified when he wants to, even if he doesn't feel that way." "That's the idea," agreed Walter. "Now, all in favor of Mr. Chunky Brown for presiding officer of the first meeting of the Pony Rider Boys manifest it by saying 'Aye." Ned and Walter voted in the affirmative. "All opposed, say 'Nay." "Nay!" voted Chunky in a loud voice. "The Ayes have it. Mr.

Chaffee's motion, for certificates of not less than $10 in exchange for silver coin deposited and redeemable in the same on demand, the Senate passed the bill with its amendments, by ayes 48, noes 21. On the return of the bill to the House of Representatives debate began on February 21st. Mr.

He had no sooner said it than a cry broke from my lips, and I sank down upon the grass moaning and sobbing. I lay amidst the ruins of the simple faith of childhood. It was as if the world and all its joys had come to an end. "You can't blame the boy," I heard Uncle Peabody saying. "He's fussed with that melon all summer. He wanted to give it to you for a present." "Ayes so he did! Well I declare!

A shout of "Ayes!" followed by a shout of "Noes!" then a cry of "Division!" then the same thing over again and again and again. We stand at 85 majority in nearly every division.

An evening meeting also was held in the same place in the interest of the amendment. On March 24 Carville D. Benson of Baltimore county moved to lay it on the table which was done by a vote of 61 ayes, 18 noes. No action was taken by the Senate. All the suffrage societies united in asking for the submission of a State amendment for full suffrage. Their best speakers appeared before the committees.

"Motion to adjourn not debatable," he said, and then mumbled rapidly: "The question's the motion to adjourn. All in favor say Aye all opposed, No the ayes seem to have it the ayes have " "Mr. Chairman; I call for a count of the ayes and noes!" It was Scarborough, standing, completely self-possessed.

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