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Thus, after an interregnum of fifteen days, the old Government, Lord Stanley excepted, was back in power. Mr. Gladstone replaced Lord Stanley at the Colonial Office, giving "the new administration the weight of his high character, and great abilities and acquirements." Writer of the article Sir R. Peel, in Encycl. Brit. Memoirs, part 3, page 100. Ibid. Memoirs, part 3, page 98.

Few towns in Italy developed as Rome herself developed, expanding from small beginnings in a slow continuous growth which was governed by convenience and opportunism and untouched by any new birth or systematic reconstruction. See Mommsen, Gesamm. Schriften v. 203; Nissen, Ital. Landeskunde ii. 27; Kornemann in Pauly-Wissowa, Encycl. iv. 520 foll.

The post-exilian prophets, Haggai, Zachariah, Malackt, Jonah., Daniel, Joel, Obadiah, and considerable portions of Isaiah and Jeremiah. They are instructive as to that intermediate period. Israel by Wellhausen, in the Encycl. Brit., and the one by Guthe in the Encycl. Bibl. The historical works of Jewish scholars, Herzfeld, Jost, Zunz, Graetz, DERENBOURG, etc., are valuable.

Anyhow it is clear that these origins of human culture must be of extreme antiquity, and that it would not be wise to be put off the track of the investigation of a possible common source merely by that fact of antiquity. See A. Lang's Myth, Ritual and Religion, vol. ii. See Hastings, Encycl. Religion and Ethics, art. "Ethnology."

I take these figures from the plan of Paravia, which is said to be the most correct plan of Turin at present available. 'Turin' in Encycl. d'Andrade, Relazione, pp. 8-20; Notizie degli Scavi, 1885, pp. 173, 271, and 1902, p. 277.

Whether the Mongolian and the Tungusic the last is the language of the Manchus are also thus affiliated, is a point not absolutely settled. Philology, in Encycl. ETHNOLOGY AND HISTORY. History is generally written from the political point of view. It is the history of nations considered separately and in relation to one another. There are, also, histories of culture.

His last work that has come down to us is the Life, which is an apologetic pamphlet, perversely self-vilifying, in which he sought to refute the accusation of his rival Justus of Tiberias, that he had taken a commanding part in the war against the Romans in Galilee, and had been the guiding spirit of the Rebellion. Josephus, in Encycl.

Wherefore, they leave nothing untried; they shrink from no attempt to withdraw schools, and every institution destined for the education of youth, from the authority of the Church and the vigilance of her holy pastors. Encycl. Letter of Pius IX., eighth December, 1849.

Encycl. Lond. Vol. II, p. 411. Ibid, p. 348. Ibid, p. 411.

"The verse which serves as the antiphon text contains the fundamental thought of the psalm to which it is sung and indicates the point of view from which it is to be understood. Encycl., art. Psalms. In the Breviary, before the recent reform, twelve psalms were recited in the first nocturn of Sundays and on ferias.