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All that he saith against the discipline, he might say the same against the doctrine, nay, against the belief of a God, viz. That the legislature might forbid it. The Church formeth and contriveth canons; and the civil power, which is compulsive, confirms them. "There were no laws enacted but by the great council of the kingdom." And that was very often, chiefly, only bishops. Ibid.

Ambrose and Jerome on the same matter, ibid., c. 15 and 17, Friedberg, i, p. 1255. Gratian, Causa 30, Quaest. 5, c. 7 Friedberg, i, p. 1106: Feminae dum maritantur, ideo velantur, ut noverint se semper viris suis subditas esse et humiles.

Ibid., p. 141. Bessemer's failure to interest the British War Office in the idea led him to submit his design to the Emperor Napoleon III. Trials made with the encouragement of the Emperor showed the inadequacy of the cast-iron guns of the period to deal with the heavier shot; and Bessemer was presented with a new problem which, with "the open mind which derived from a limited knowledge of the metallurgy of war," he attacked with impetuosity.

Many tributes have been paid to Douglas by writers who oppose his opinions; e.g., Arnold says: "There is, on the whole, hardly any greater personal triumph in the history of American politics than his reëlection," pp. 149, 150; Blaine, Twenty Years of Congress, i. 149. See Lincoln's letter to Judd, quoted N. and H. ii. 167; also Ibid. 169. Raymond, 76.

Curtis, Life of Webster, i. 585. Randall, Life of Jefferson, i. 101, 102. Now in the library of Cornell University. Va. Conv. of 1776, 150, note. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 168. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 1742. Ibid. 170.

The hairy and spinose kinds are invariably rejected, as were four conspicuously-coloured species. When the birds rejected a caterpillar, they plainly shewed, by shaking their heads, and cleansing their beaks, that they were disgusted by the taste. See Mr. J. Jenner Weir's paper on Insects and Insectivorous Birds, in 'Transact. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 21; also Mr. Butler's paper, ibid. p. 27. Mr.

In the end he said, that he could not resolve to accept of a dignity, so as to hold it only the life of another: Yet he thought, that the issue of Princess Anne should be preferred, in the succession, to any issue that he might have by any other wife than the Princess. Swift. A great concession truly. Burnet. Swift. This is too hard, though almost true. Ibid. Burnet.

Lord Salisbury also warned the Turkish ambassador in London that if Turkey sought to expel Prince Alexander from Eastern Roumelia, she would "be making herself the instrument of those who desired the fall of the Ottoman Empire ." Papers, Turkey, No. 1 , pp. 214-215. See, too, ibid. pp. 197 et seq. for Lord Salisbury's instructions to Sir William White for the Conference.

4 Am. Arch. ii. 504 Cooke, Virginia, 432. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 540. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 541. Ibid. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 516. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 540, 541. Ibid. ii. 529. Ibid. ii. 539, 540. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 641. Ibid. ii. 667. Ibid. ii. 710, 711. Ibid. ii. 938. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 1024. Ibid. ii. 1620, 1621.

These circumstances seem to imply that astrology, magic, etc, were at that time of considerable service in political intrigues. Philostr. v. ii, etc. Ibid. v. 20, etc. Philostr. v. 27.

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