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Updated: September 22, 2024

We are to manage human enterprises more superficially and roughly, and leave a great part to fortune; it is not necessary to examine affairs with so much subtlety and so deep: a man loses himself in the consideration of many contrary lustres, and so many various forms: "Volutantibus res inter se pugnantes, obtorpuerunt.... animi." Cicero, De Nat.

"En petit compris vous pouvez voir Ce qui comprend beaucoup par renomme, Plume, labeur, la langue, et le devoir Furent vaincus par l'amant de l'aimee. O gentille ame, etant toute estimee! Qui te pourra louer, qu'en se taisant? Car la parole est toujours reprimee Quand le sujet surmonte le disant."

Enfin, voyez . . . Qu'est-ce que je voulais dire? Qu'est-ce que c'etait? Ah! je m'en souviens! . . . Salome! Non, venez plus pres de moi. J'ai peur que vous ne m'entendiez pas . . . Salome, vous connaissez mes paons blancs, mes beaux paons blancs, qui se promenent dans le jardin entre les myrtes et les grands cypres.

Again, we should take exception to his favorite position, or, rather, the batteries he opens from it, that saints and scoundrels are not different in the sight of God, allowing the sense which alone, of course, he intends, different in se. But the merits of the book, as one of the noblest and profoundest contributions to philosophy which have been produced, are undeniable. Mr.

DON EDUARDO. En que no se quiere recibir, ¿querrá usted decir? BRUNO. En que no se puede.... DON EDUARDO. En que no se quiere ... ¿a qué andar con rodeos? DON EDUARDO. Vaya ... ¿no es cierto que D. Pedro no quiere recibirme? Estoy por cantar de plano. DON EDUARDO. Ea, no tenga usted empacho ... ¿no es cierto?... BRUNO. Cierto ... ya que usted exige absolutamente....

Looked at in this light, lying is not sinful per se, but simply becomes sinful by its misuse or untimeliness; for if it be sinful per se, no temporary or material advantage from its exercise could ever make it other than sinful.

This Ming Yen was the smartest of Pao-yue's attendants, but he was also young in years and lacked experience, so that he lent a patient ear to what Chia Se had to say about the way Chin Jung had insulted Ch'in Chung.

When hybrids are able to breed inter se, they transmit to their offspring from generation to generation the same compounded organisation, and hence we need not be surprised that their sterility, though in some degree variable, rarely diminishes.

Elle se les passe her little fancies! She's a phenomenon, poor dear. And all with what shall I call it? the absence of haunting remorse of a good house-mother who makes the family accounts balance. She looks and it's what they love her for here when they say 'Watch her now! like an angry saint; but she's neither a saint nor, to be perfectly fair to her, really angry at all.

Ainsi des quatre ambassadeurs monastiques envoyés en Tartarie tant par Innocent que par le roi, il n'y a que les deux Franciscains de Carpin et Rubruquis, qui aient laissé dés mémoires; et ces ouvrages, quoiqu'ils se ressentent de leur siècle et particulièrement de la profession de ceux qui les composèrent, sont cependant précieux pour nous par les détails intéressans qu'ils contiennent sur une contrée lointaine dont alors on connoissoit

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