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Updated: August 21, 2024
He added hastily, "I say not this for myself; I am Cambridge bred; and good words come not amiss to me in Latin; but for the people in general. Clavis ad corda Anglorum est lingua materna." "My son," said Clement, "blessed be the hour I met thee; for thy words are sober and wise. But alas! how shall I learn your English tongue? No book have I." "I would give you my book of hours, father.
The bright perspective mightily cheered one drooping soldier. At the first clang of the portcullis his eyes brightened and his temple flushed; and when the herald came back with battle in his eye he saw it in a moment, and for the first time this many days cried, "Courage, tout le monde, le diable est mort." If that great warrior heard, how he must have grinned!
But non est impossibile apud Deum omne verbum. We brought them together by blandishments and mild threats, and by other methods suited to their capacity, and it pleased our Lord that we were able to persuade them to settle along the river which they call Viga. There they have erected a church, and Father Gabriel writes me that on Sundays it does not contain them all.
Ce vallon, d'une bonne lieue de longueur sur moitié de largeur, peut occasionner bien des réflexions; nous avons été obligé de passer rapidement sur ces objets, nous ne faisons que les indiquer. Au-haut de la montagne rapide, qui est au-dessus du village d'In-der-Matt, il y a un petit bois de sapins, auquel il est défendu de toucher sous peine de la vie. Il est réservé contre les avalanches; ce sont les seules arbres qu'on voie sur les hauteurs environnantes; derrière ce bois on apperçoit un glacier d'où descend un torrent qui va se jetter dans la Reuss; il amène, ainsi que les autres qui descendent de ce coté, des pierres schisteuses micacées, mêlées de quartz, de même nature que celle qui est
"What ails the American?" asked Madame Le Fort. "Is it possible that he is not in love with that fascinating young creature? Or are all your countrymen so cold and inanimate? Elle est ravissante, adorable! I cannot comprehend it." "Probably," I replied, "he has too much reserve and delicacy to make a display of his feelings in the presence strangers." But I was not satisfied.
They have christened it "Perfidious Albion." To speak the truth, however, the Anglophobia is not confined to the Abolitionists or Republicans when anything occurs to make any particular journal cross or querulous, you are almost sure to meet, that same week, a sanguinary leader, with the threadbare motto "delenda est Britannia."
"Sic vivitur" "So goes the world;" "Tempori serviendum est" "We must bend to circumstances" these are not the noblest mottoes, but they are acted upon continually by the most respectable men in public and private life, who do not open their hearts to their friends so unreservedly as Cicero does to his friend Atticus.
For out of natural conceit, the philosophers drew it; but to be moved to do that which we know, or to be moved with desire to know, Hoc opus, hic labor est. For he doth not only show the way, but giveth so sweet a prospect into the way, as will entice any man to enter into it.
Sturk be sworn ha, ha magna est veritas there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed; ha, ha. Let Dr. Sturk be called. So the white, thin phantom of the spectacles and tobacco pipe, sitting upright by the fire, amused himself with a solitary banter.
Cyr made all the young officers swear that they would not go into battle except in white gloves and with their képi adorned with the casoar, the red and white dress-plume. "Ce serment, bien français, est aussi élégant que téméraire," he said, and the rest followed him with acclamation.
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