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In this English use, it expresses the same difference as the Romans indicated by Hispanus and Hispanicus. The first meant a person of Spanish blood, a native of Spain; the second, a Roman born in Spain. So of Germanus and Germanicus, Italus and Italicus, Anglus and Anglicus, &c.; an important distinction, on which see Casaubon apud Scriptores. Hist.

Sic Herculem et Liberum apud Graecos; Quirinum apud nos, deum numero, additos. VIII. A few words, in conclusion, may be said about the oldest manuscript containing the first six, and, consequently, all the books of the Annals.

Militi eum percontanti, quum portus intraret dixit, se apud Nasorum promontorium fuisse, Francofurtum proficisci, et Argentoratum, transitu ad fines Sarmatiae mensis intervallo, reversurum. Miles peregrini in faciem suspexit Di boni, nova forma nasi!

Nec arms ut apud ceteros Germanos in promiscuo, sed clausa sub custode et quidem servo, &c. TACITUS de Mor. Men who have tasted of freedom, and who have felt their personal rights, are not easily taught to bear with encroachments on either, and cannot, without some preparation, come to submit to oppression.

Well, Father Tom laughed like to burst. At last, says he, "Pather Sancte," says he, "sub errore jaces. 'Looking-glass' apud nos habet significationem quamdam peculiarem ex tempore diei dependentem," there was a sthring ov accusatives for yes! "nam mane speculum sonat," says he, "post prandium vero mat mat mat sorra be in me but I disremimber the classic appellivation ov the same article.

Omnesque hi populi pauca campestrium, ceterum saltus et vertices montium jugumque insederunt. Dirimit enim scinditque Sueviam continuum montium jugum, ultra quod plurimae gentes agunt: ex quibus latissime patet Lygiorum nomen in plures civitates diffusum. Valentissimas nominasse sufficiet, Arios, Helveconas, Manimos, Elysios, Naharvalos. Apud Naharvalos antiquae religionis lucus ostenditur.

He devoted his later life to historical studies, and produced his famous History of Scotland in twelve books, De Maria Regina ejusque conspiratione, in which he attacked the reputation of the Queen, and De jure regni apud Scotos, a book remarkable for the liberalism of the ideas which were therein expressed.

LL. Edg. apud Wilkins, p. 80. LL. Ethelredi, Sec. 4 apud Wilkins, p. 103. Hloth. and Eadm. Sec. 16. LL. Canut. Sec. 2. LL. Aelf. Sec. 4. Sec. 12, 13.

Oslacus ... promissâ cæsarie heros. Chron. Saxon. 123. L. Ælfred. 31. L. Cnut. apud Brompt. 27. Eadgarus nobilibus torquium largitor. Chron. Sax. 123 Bed. Hist. Eccl. Lib. IV. c. 29. The marriage of Ethelbert to a Christian princess was, we have seen, a means of introducing Christianity into his dominions.

"The burden of George Buchanan's De Jure Regni apud Scotos is the lawfulness or righteousness of the removal by assassination or any other fitting or convenient means of incompetent kings, whether heinously wicked and tyrannical or merely unwise and weak of purpose; and he cites as a case in point and an 'example in time coming, the murder of James III., which, if it were only on account of the assassin's hideous travesty of the last offices of the Church, would deserve to be held in unique and everlasting detestation."

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