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Updated: January 13, 2025
An analysis of this sentence shows, that there is an ellipsis of hausurum fuisse: he imbibed, and would have continued to imbibe, had not, &c. In such sentences, which abound in T. but are rarely found in Cic., ni is more readily translated by but. Cf. Z. 519. b; and note, His. 3, 28. For the application of haurire to the eager study of philosophy, cf. Hor.
CENSOR ... ANTE CONSULATUM: this was unusual, and therefore to Claudius' honor. GRANDEM SANE: 'undoubtedly old'. ET TAMEN SIC: i.e. eum tum grandem fuisse Lahmeyer wrongly says that sic points to the words atque haec ille egit. It may be noted that sic takes the place of an object after accipimus, cf. 77 ita crederem; 78 sic mihi persuasi, also 18 male cogitanti.
"Incredibile est, Deum illis verbis ad populum fuisse locutum quibus deciperetur," is a verdict in which, for once, Jesuit casuistry concurs with the healthy moral sense of all mankind.
There is another place of Calvin abused by Bishop Spotswood and Bishop Lindsey, taken out of one of his Epistles to Hallerus, which I find in the volume before quoted, p. 136, 137, that which they grip to in this epistle is, that Calvin, speaking of the abrogation of festival days in Geneva, saith, hoc tamen testatum esse volo, si mihi delata optio fuisset, quod nunc constitutum est, non fuisse pro sententia dicturum.
PLACIDA AC LENIS: 'quiet and mild'; placida refers to the external surroundings, lenis to the temper and character. ACCEPIMUS: sc. fuisse; for the ellipsis of the infinitive cf. n. on 22 videretur. For the position of the words see G. 94, 3; H. 174, footnote 3. SCRIBENS EST MORTUUS: 'died while still engaged upon his works'; cf. 23 num Platonem ... coegit in suis studiis obmutiscere senectus?
A Roman did not use the verb "pergere" in the sense of "continuing or proceeding" in a matter, only of "continuing or proceeding" where there is bodily motion. II. From the diction point of view, the Annals could not have been written by Tacitus, as the language at times is anybody's but his. Nipperdey, there should be "fuisse."
And the passage from Lucan means that the altar of Taran, God of the Celts, was not less cruel than that of Diana in Tauris: Taranis aram non mitiorem ara Dianae Scythicae fuisse. It is also not impossible that there was a time when the western or Celtic princes made themselves masters of Greece, of Egypt and a good part of Asia, and that their cult remained in those countries.
Primo ergo nobis certum sit haec animantia non in virtute tantum aut in semine, sed actu, et in seipsis, facta fuisse his diebus in quibus facta narrantur. Quanquam Augustinus lib. 3, Gen. ad liter, cap. 5 in sua persistens sententia contrarium sentire videatur." Lib.
Mivart's hypothesis, must have used words studiously calculated to deceive his creatures and worshippers, is 'no religion worthy of the name. 'Incredibile est, Deum illis verbis ad populum fuisse locutum quibis deciperetur, is a verdict in which for once Jesuit casuistry concurs with the healthy moral sense of all mankind." Mr. Lay Sermons, etc. p. 331. Büchner. Dr.
Militi eum percontanti, quum portus intraret dixit, se apud Nasorum promontorium fuisse, Francofurtum proficisci, et Argentoratum, transitu ad fines Sarmatiae mensis intervallo, reversurum. Miles peregrini in faciem suspexit Di boni, nova forma nasi!
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