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Updated: November 30, 2024

And even Nobis laughed, but not in a pleasant way. Monday, 15th. Nobis can be paired off with Franti: neither of them was affected this morning in the presence of the terrible sight which passed before their eyes.

LAELIUS. Volumus sane, nisi molestum est, Cato, tamquam longam aliquam viam confeceris, quam nobis quoque ingrediundum sit, istuc, quo pervenisti, videre quale sit. III. 7 CATO. Faciam ut potero, Laeli. Saepe enim interfui querellis aequalium meorum, pares autem vetere proverbio cum paribus facillime congregantur, quae C. Salinator, quae Sp.

Yet the facts will change their utterances in spite of us; and we, too, change with age and ages in spite of ourselves, so as to see the facts around us as perhaps even more changed than they actually are. It has been said, "Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis." The passage would have been no less true if it had stood, "Nos mutamur et tempora mutantur in nobis."

It chemically combined loathsome familiarity, leering suggestion, slimy piety and rancid 'social service' in one fuming compost that fairly lifted me off my feet. 'Yes, said he, after compliments. 'It's the most vital, arresting and dynamic bit of tump I've done up to date. Non nobis gloria! I met Sir Thomas Ingell in his own park. He talked to me again. He inspired most of it. 'Which?

Ex quo haud dubium esse reor, quod etiam in libro de animi immortalite scripsi, barbaros ingenio nobis haud esse inferiores: quandoquidem sub Brumæ cælo divisa toto orbe Britannia duos tam clari ingenii viros emiserit." De Subtilitate, p. 444. Ibid., p. 142. p. 369. The fame of Scots as judges of precious stones had spread to Italy before Cardan's time.

"Nos vero qui in confinio Angliae sedes habemus, sicut Saxonum linguam per multa commercia bellaque ab illis didicimus nostramque deseruimus; ita priscos omnes mores reliquimus, priscusque nobis scribendi mos ut et sermo incognitus est.

The cathedral echoes with answering voices; and, involuntarily kneeling, I follow the words of the grand chant. I hear the music slacken; the notes of rejoicing change to a sobbing and remorseful wail; the organ shudders like a forest of pines in a tempest, "Crucifixus etiam pro nobis; passus et sepultus est." A darkness grows up around me; my senses swim.

Quia eduxi te de terra Aegypti: parasti crucem Salvatori tuo. Chor. Sanctus deus, sanctus fortis, sanctus et immortalis. Miserere nobis. The chorus answering each "Reproach" alternately in the Greek of the Eastern Church and the Latin of the Western Church. Such music as this has quite a different character from that of our concert-rooms; it is music which means something.

And now one word from the son, who could, in comparison, know so little of the matter, had almost sufficed to convert and to convince the sceptic. Why was this? Because Man believes the Strong! " Quid Virtus et quid Sapientia possit Utile proposuit nobis exemplar Ulssem." Meanwhile the object of their search, on quitting Mr.

Dies Christo dicatos tollendos existimo judicoque, saith Danaeus quotidie nobis in evangelii proedicatione nascitur, circumciditur, moritur, resurgit Christus.

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