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The celebrated Cullen, with his accustomed accuracy observes, “Tremorem, utpote semper symptomaticum, in numerum generum recipere nollem; species autem a Sauvagesio recensitas, prout mihi vel astheniæ vel paralysios, vel convulsionis symptomata esse videntur, his subjungam .” Tremor can indeed only be considered as a symptom, although several species of it must be admitted.

Even the evidence is now useless, for what was to be done has been done. For ourselves, we have no doubt as to its nature.... It was to this man that Christ gave the morsel through our hands, saying Quod faces, fac cities. Cum ergo accepisset Me buccellam, exivit continuo. Erat autem nox." Again fell the silence, and in the pause sounded a long half-vocal sigh from without the door.

Quantum autem ad tutelam legis jussit ordinem impleri. Vade, ostende te sacerdoti, et offer munus quod praecepit Moyses.... Itaque adjecit: ut sit vobis in testimonium. Luke v. 12-14: Ecce vir plenus lepra: et videns Jesum ... rogavit eum dicens, Domine, si vis, potes me mundare. Et extendens manum tetigit illum dicens, Volo, mundare. Et confestim lepra discessit ab illo.

In later years writing to his friend Marliano, he observed: De bello autem si consilium amici vis, bella gerant bellatores. Philosophis inhæreat lectionis et contemplationis studium.

Nature made health, and at the same time it was necessary by a kind of concomitance that the source of diseases should be opened up. The same thing applies with regard to virtue; the direct action of Nature, which brought it forth, produced by a counter stroke the brood of vices. Existimat autem non fuisse hoc principale naturae consilium, ut faceret homines morbis obnoxios.

"Habet autem ut obedienter audiatur quantacunque granditate dictionis majus pondus vita dicentis." As he has been dead for several years, I need not hesitate to give the name of my dear and honoured friend the Rev. James Black, of Dunnikier.

Ab opposito autem praedicti fontis natatorij habetur imago lapidea, rudi et vetusto opere sculpta, deformiterque detrita, quae manus Absalon nuncupatur, cuius ratio lib. 2. Regum monstratur.

Neither the Papists only, but some also of the very heathen idolaters, norunt in imaginibus nihil deitatis inesse, meras autem esse rerum absentium repræsentationes, &c. And what if neither heathens nor Papists had been of this opinion, that images are but active objects of worship?

Forte talia Sarraceni custodes sepulchre fingentes diuulgauerunt, pro augendo emolumenta tributi, quod inde resultaret, seu oblationum quae dantur. Singulis autem annis in die coenae Domini in Parascheue, et in vigilia Paschae, tribus his diebus manet Tabernaculum hoc apertum continue, et patet omnibus Christianis gentibus accessus, alias vero non per annum sine redditione tributi.

Istius autem ostia aulae, dum in ea residet, aut deambulat Imperator, multi Barones ingressum seruant intente, et ne limen tangatur, quod hoc haberent pro augurio, et bene verberaretur, quia Imperatore praesente, nemo nisi adductus in quacunque camera, vel habitatione intromittitur, donec interrogatus iusserit Imperator.

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