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Updated: January 17, 2025

Discorso intorno alle cose che stanno in su l'acqua, o che in quella si muovono. Opere di Galileo, vol. ii. pp. 165-311. Opere di Galileo, vol. ii. pp. 355-367. Ibid. 367-390. These three treatises occupy the whole of the third volume of the Opere di Galileo.

The Epistle to the Hebrews, 13, 15, teaches the same thing: By Him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually; and he adds the interpretation, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. He bids us offer praises, i.e., prayer, thanksgiving, confession, and the like. These avail not ex opere operato, but on account of faith.

Opere Burlesche, vol. iii. pp. 39-46. Near Siena. These pictures are a series of twenty-four subjects from the life of S. Benedict. In the church of S. Domenico, Siena. In the Uffizzi. See also Sodoma's "Sacrifice of Isaac" in the cathedral of Pisa, and the "Christ Bound to the Pillar" in the Academy at Siena.

Now, as regards the adversaries' citing the Fathers concerning the offering for the dead, we know that the ancients speak of prayer for the dead, which we do not prohibit, but we disapprove of the application ex opere operato of the Lord's Supper on behalf of the dead. Neither do the ancients favor the adversaries concerning the opus operatum.

Printed in the Opere di Galileo, vol. vi., pp. 117-191. Galileo replied to this attack in a volume entitled Il Saggiatore, or The Assayer, which, owing to the state of his health, was not published till the autumn of 1623.

For in our Confession we have shown that we hold that the Lord's Supper does not confer grace ex opere operato, and that, when applied on behalf of others, alive or dead, it does not merit for them ex opere operato the remission of sins, of guilt or of punishment. These things are so sure and so firm that they can stand against all the gates of hell.

With the use of cetera here, compare His. 4, 56: ceterum vulgus==the rest, viz. the common soldiers, and see the principle well illustrated in Doederlein's Essay, His. p. 17. Opere. Hard labor, which would serve as a punishment. Beck. Gall. Exc. 2. Sc. 2; Smith's Dic. Ant. as above. Non disciplina ira. Hendiadys==non disciplinae severitate, sed irae impetu. Cf. His. 1, 51: severitate disciplinae.

The wisdom of Guicciardini nowhere appears more ripe, or his intellect more elastic, than in the Istoria Fiorentina. Students who desire to gain a still closer insight into the working of Guicciardini's mind should consult the 403 Ricordi Politici e Civili collected in the first volume of his Opere Inedite.

It is the sacrament most genuinely ex opere operato, for which is substituted among Protestants the idealistic sacrament of the word. Fundamentally it is concerned with and I say it with all possible respect, but without wishing to sacrifice the expressiveness of the phrase the eating and drinking of God, the Eternalizer, the feeding upon Him. Little wonder then if St.

It is a peculiarity of the German race. It is not, however, exclusively German. Something similar prevailed among the Persians, Herod. 1, 189. 7, 55. Darius Hystaspes was indebted to the neighing of his horse for his elevation to the throne. Iisdem memoribus, Sec. 9. Mortali opere==hominum opere. Contacti. Notio contaminandi inest, K. Pressi curru. Harnessed to the sacred chariot.

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