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If that be true, far more than that must be true. Is there but one day of judgment? Why, for us every day is a day of judgment every day is a Dies Irae, and writes its irrevocable verdict in the flame of its West. Think you that judgment waits till the doors of the grave are opened?

Bartholomew's for stone and gravel some weeks before, and on the 3rd of August, 1711, set his mark to an account of himself, when he expected to fall asleep on the fifth of August, two days later. His account was also signed by 'William Hill, Sen. No. No. 185. Tuesday, October 2, 1711. Addison. ... Tantaene Animis coelestibus Irae? Virg.

After the second day Jacquet was obliged to tell his friend that he must renounce his desire, because, in a city where the number of tears shed on black draperies is tariffed, where the laws recognize seven classes of funerals, where the scrap of ground to hold the dead is sold at its weight in silver, where grief is worked for what it is worth, where the prayers of the Church are costly, and the vestry claim payment for extra voices in the Dies irae, all attempt to get out of the rut prescribed by the authorities for sorrow is useless and impossible.

Howbeit I comforted myself therewith that our Lord God would forgive her in consideration of her ignorance. And the first line ran as follows: Dies irae, dies ilia. But these two verses pleased her more than all the rest, and she recited them many times with great edification, wherefore I will insert them here. Judex ergo cum sedebit Quidquid latet apparebit, Nil inultum remanebit: Item,

The dulcis Amaryllidis irae, as your Lordships well know, are easily appeased; nor is it possible to conceive a woman so atrociously offended by the man whom she has loved, but that she will retain a fund of forgiveness, upon which his penitence, whether real or affected, may draw largely, with a certainty that his bills will be answered.

And the maid fled the kitchen, which had become practically dangerous, to attend on Innes's wants in the front parlour. Tantaene irae? Has the reader perceived the reason? Since Frank's coming there were no more hours of gossip over the supper-tray! All his blandishments were in vain; he had started handicapped on the race for Mrs. Elliott's favour.

There the first part of the service took place; and then Cherry could just fancy she could hear the dim echo of the Dies Irae, as it was sung on the way to the cemetery. It was a very aching heart, poor child! full of the dull agony of a longing that she knew could never be satisfied again, the intense craving for her father.

They are often interpreted by their relatives, even the oldest by the youngest. Mr. Mayar, a French priest who was formerly missionary to these parts and who died in Halifax full of merit before God, was deeply regretted by these Indians. They know many hymns of the Blessed Virgin, which they sing equally well, also the prose Dies Irae.

But Cardinal Albani withdraws his statement, and thinks that nothing unusual has really occurred. In fact, Charles, as we shall see, had absolutely vanished for three months. Charles returned to France in September 1750, and renewed his amantium irae with Madame de Talmond. Among the Stuart Papers of 1750 are a number of tiny billets, easily concealed, and doubtless passed to the lady furtively.

"Tell me the sober truth by all the pains of Dies Irae," whispered her hostess. "Are you a maiden or none?" It was a shrewd torment that, double-forked. To deny was infamy, to affirm ruin. However, there was no escape from it: Isoult had never been a learned liar. "I am a maid, ma'am," she said in a whisper. "Cover yourself warm, my lamb, I'll twist him," said the delighted mother.