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Updated: August 1, 2024

1 There was too a miserable form of universal acquisition under the SC. Claudianum, when a free woman, through indulgence of her passion for a slave, lost her freedom by the senatusconsult, and with her freedom her property. But this enactment we deemed unworthy of our times, and have ordered its abolition in our Empire, nor allowed it to be inserted in our Digest.

And no wonder, since there are four causes which make men think old age wretched, and no one of these will bear examination'. Etenim may generally be translated 'indeed', or 'in fact'. CUM COMPLECTOR ANIMO: 'when I grasp them in my thoughts'. The object of complector is to be supplied from causas. AVOCET: sc. senes.

Douce, fidgeting, curveting, and prancing round Lord Vargrave, as the latter walked through the outer office to the carriage. "Not a step more; you will catch cold. Good-by on Monday, then, seven o'clock. The House of Lords." And Lumley threw himself back in his carriage in high spirits. OUBLIE de Tullie, et brave du Senat.* VOLTAIRE: Brutus, Act ii. sc. 1.

The pole is horizontally placed on a post just by the water, and loosely pegged to that post; so that by raising it at one end, you lower the stool down into the midst of the river. That stool serves at present to duck scolds and termagants. 'An two men ride of a horse, one must ride behind. Much Ado about Nothing, act iii. sc. 5. See ante, ii. 9.

You see, sweet maid, we marry A gentler scion to the wildest stock; And make conceive a bark of baser kind By bud of nobler race: this is an art Which does mend nature, change it rather; but The art itself is nature. Winter's Tale, Act iv. sc. 3.

Of the other portraits of herself, that in the Uffizi is signed by her as "of Cremona," which suggests that it was painted before she went to Spain. That in the Vienna Gallery is dated 1551, and inscribed Sophonisba Anguissola. Virgo. Sc. Ipsam Fecit. Still another, in which a man stands beside her, is in the Sienna Gallery. He holds a brush in his hand, and is probably one of her masters.

"Fair maiden Lilliard lies under this stane, Little was her stature but great was her fame, Upon the English louns she laid many thumps, And when her legs were cuttet off she fought upon her stumps." See New Stat. Account Scot., "Roxburgh," p. 244. Tempest, Act I. Sc. 2. An article for the Foreign Quarterly Review, regarding which Mr. R.P. Gillies.

Whatever, in things of this sort, used to be practised among the French noblesse, might be traced, till very lately, in the customs of the Scottish provincial gentry. J.G.L. Life, vol. vi. p. 90. "They have ty'd me to a stake; I cannot fly, But bear-like I must fight the course." Macbeth, Act v. Sc. 7.

Johnson, in his Dictionary, gives as the 17th meaning of make, to raise as profit from anything. He quotes the speech of Pompey in Measure for Measure, act iv. sc. 3: 'He made five marks, ready money. But Pompey, he might reply, was a servant, and his English therefore is not to be taken as a standard. Idea he defines as mental imagination. See post, May 15, 1783, note.

Worked till one, then walked with great difficulty and pain till half-past two. I think I can hardly stir without my pony, which is a sad pity. Mr. Laidlaw dines here. Lear, Act III. Sc. 4. Colman the elder. March 1, 2, 3. All these three days I wrote forenoon and fagged afternoon.

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