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They pointed to palaces deserted and falling to decay, and said, with natural bitterness, that it ill became Bohemians of the best blood to prefer the pleasures of Vienna to the duty which they owed to their father-land.

The greater proportion of the aristocracy consequently reside at Vienna. The lower nobility make their way chiefly by talent and perseverance in the army and the civil offices, and are therefore naturally devoted to the government, on which all their hopes in life depend.

I am the inventor of this peculiar style of statuette of subject, manner, material, everything. Touch them, I pray you; handle them freely you needn't fear. Delicate as they look, it is impossible they should break! My various creations have met with great success. They are especially admired by Americans. I have sent them all over Europe to London, Paris, Vienna!

The treaty of partition secured to the dauphin all the possessions of Spain in Italy, save Milaness, which was to indemnify the Duke of Lorraine, whose duchy passed to France; Spain, the Indies, and the Low Countries were to belong to Archduke Charles. Great was the wrath at Vienna when it was known that the treaty was signed.

"But seriously, countess, who could ever have lent you 40,000 florins?" "Nobody, and yet I am indebted to that amount. You must know that once upon a time, many years ago, when we lived at Vienna, I was given to card playing. We played for high stakes in those days. One evening not only did I lose all my cash, but had to give I.O.U.'s for 1,000 florins besides.

Armed men were immediately sent to surround the inn, and the Mayor of Vienna, entering, found the worn-out pilgrim lying asleep upon his bed, and aroused him with the words, "Hail, King of England! In vain thou disguisest thyself; thy face betrays thee." Awakening, the Lion-heart grasped his sword, declaring he would yield it to none but the Duke.

The inner circle of Vienna was at this time surrounded with walls, outside of which were the large suburbs in which chiefly workmen lived. The students seem already to have gained some sympathy with the workmen; and for the previous two years the discontent caused by the sufferings of the poorer classes had been taking a more directly political turn.

Hence," added the count, with his French lively smile, "hence there is no place like Vienna for a young man, no place like Vienna for bonnes fortunes." "Those make the paradise of the idle," replied Randal, "but the purgatory of the busy.

I would already have sent you a small sum, did I not rely on Browne; if he fails us, then apply at once to your Vienna, April 8, 1802.

"I really could not make a greater sacrifice for my husband, and still I do not think that this sacrifice was intended by him." Another thing that added to the grief of the new Empress was that she was compelled to part with a pet dog which she was very fond of: the Countess was to carry it back to Vienna.

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