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I do not know who wrote those in the Chronicle. This is a mere matter of the moment I think I shall be among the English Poets after my death. Even as a Matter of present interest the attempt to crush me in the "Quarterly" has only brought me more into notice, and it is a common expression among book-men, "I wonder the Quarterly should cut its own throat."

In church he preached embarrassing perfections she could no longer feel that she had attained the limits of churchmanship with her weekly half-crown and her quarterly communion. He turned her young people's heads with strange glimpses of beauty and obligation.

And let the laymen of this General Conference remember that they are in this body to-day by reason of the votes of the women of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1880 we went still further. We went into the work of construing pronouns. There had been women in the Quarterly Conferences previously to that date; but there was a mist in the air with regard to their legality there.

'Food is brought out to his hut, perhaps once a week, perhaps once a fortnight, so much meat, so much flour, so much tea, and so much sugar. And he has thirty or thirty-five pounds a-year besides. 'Paid weekly? 'No; perhaps quarterly, perhaps half-yearly. He can do nothing with his money as long as he is there.

How he had come, in course of time, to look upon this one only debt of his life as a regular quarterly drawback, and no worse, when 'his name' had some way fallen into the possession of Mr Riah, who had sent him notice to redeem it by paying up in full, in one plump sum, or take tremendous consequences.

"I would like you to preach the quarterly sermon." For a moment the earth seemed to slip away from my feet. I stared at him in utter stupefaction. Then slowly I realized that, incredible as it seemed, the man was in earnest. "Why," I stammered, "I can't preach a sermon!" Dr. Peck smiled at me. "Have you ever tried?" he asked. I started to assure him vehemently that I never had.

Under these disastrous circumstances, her annuity suddenly ceased; she had in vain tried to obtain a renewal of it from the widow, or even an account of the state of her brother's affairs. Her letters for three years past had remained unanswered, and she would have been exposed to the horrors of the most abject want, but for a pittance quarterly doled out to her by her cousin in England.

W will give me leave to take this pen and ink, and if you will try to recollect all the persons from whom you have received money lately " "Ah, mon Dieu! dat is impossible." Then he began to name the quarterly and half-yearly payments that he had received from his various pupils. "Did any of them lately give you a ten-guinea note?"

The meetings for the discipline of the Society were often times of spiritual refreshment to him. 6 mo. 23. I left home to attend our Quarterly Meeting at York. The meetings for business were generally satisfactory; on re-examining the answers to the queries, divers very weighty remarks were made.

Years passed by. I read everything, poetry and prose, that came from George Eliot's pen, and was so strong an admirer of her that Mr. Mr. H. G. Turner asked for the MS. to publish in the second number of The Melbourne Review, a very promising quarterly for politics and literature.

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