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Updated: August 12, 2024
Me love Great Spirit; Great Spirit so good to send little white-face to tell me how to get home. Then I could not help crying myself, mother, for I thought I should like to meet Quady's brothers there." "Ah! bress de Lord, but it am good as a small bible to hear dat chile talk;" was heard in a suppressed voice, as it went stable-ward.
"I ain' done straighten 'em out yit, Unk Ish," he returned slowly. "'Pears like soon es I done add 'em all up anur done come, an' I has ter kac'late f'om de bottom agin. I ain' got no head fer figgers, nohow. Betsey, she lays dat dar's ten uv 'em, but ter save my soul I can't mek out mo'n eight."
"She ain't mar'ed to 'im." "She feels herself bound, and has said that if I was a true Southern gentleman I would not interfere. This is bad enough, but there's worse still. I thought she was lost to me you know about it, I reckon." "Yes, I knows now. I was a blin ole fool an tink it was wuckin' so hard dat made her po'ly." "Oh, we have both made such fatal mistakes!
After dat I shall feel fit for anyting." "By the way, Dan," Vincent said when the negro had finished his meal, "we have not talked over that matter of my clothes. I can't imagine how that letter saying that one of us was disguised as a minister and would have a negro servant came to be written. Did you ever tell the people you lodged with anything about the disguise?"
The term 'personal property' or 'estate' embraces, according to Blackstone, all property other than land, and therefore includes money. Any money a man's wife has is his, constructively, and will be recognized as his actually, as soon as he can secure possession of it." "Dat is ter say, suh my eddication don' quite 'low me ter understan' dat dat is ter say"
I should hab said dat massa he said, says he, `Kurnel Muchbunks, says he, `I's a beggar." "Dat was a lie, Sooz'n," said Quashy, in some surprise. "I's afeard it was," assented Susan, gravely. "Well, an' what says de kurnel to dat?" asked the saddened negro, with a sigh.
The stranger stood with feet apart, watch in hand, and a grim expression on the only part of his face visible between his cap and his upturned collar. "What time is the next train back to town?" "Dey ain't none, 'ceptin' de special, what's hired to take de party back to town. Dat goes 'bout two o'clock."
I expect I'll faint in a minute if you don't put up that gun." The negro scowled fiercely. "No yo' don't. Yo' kan't come dat on dis chile. Dat gun stay pinted jus' lak she is; an' hit goes off too ef yo' don' do what I says, mighty sudden." "Just as you say," replied Dick, cheerfully. "But what do you want me to do?" "I wants yo' to unlock dat air safe." "Can't do it.
That's 'nough to carry us to the Great Prairie, which is three weeks distant from this. Our own good rifles must make up the difference, and keep us when we get there." "And s'pose we neither find deer nor buffalo," suggested Dick. "I s'pose we'll have to starve." "Dat is cumfer'able to tink upon," remarked Henri.
"Dat is for keep de chile quiet; and de stick is for no let him choke; him no can swallow de stick." "Musha! but it would stick av he did swallow it," said Bryan, turning away with a laugh.
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