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Updated: November 25, 2024
Dey'd hab lots ob good things ter eat en fed eberbody. Dey'd hab big baptizin's down at de Cumberland Riber and menny things. W'en freed, our white folks didn't gib us nuthin'. We got 'way en hired out fer an'thin' we could git.
"Pray tell me why Massa Ned not come back. Hab him gone in nudder ship?" Charley, who remembered Tom, briefly told him the particulars of Ned's disappearance. "Den I go an' look for him!" exclaimed Tom. "He go search for my boy, what I do better dan go look for him?" "O do, do!" cried Mary, springing up. "I would go too if I could be of any use."
Now, de second hinge is de safety, and it 'stonish me dat an onderstanding man, and a man ob experunce and larning like you, Missa Basset, should dream o' going in de daytime. Dere stand old Holden probumbly wid his rifle in de window and all he hab to do, he see so plan, is to pull de trigger and den where is you, Missa Basset?
Well, he talk plenty bout his wife and modder, and Miss Alice's modder nurse him; but he died, and his grave's yonder wid ole massa and missus. De oder man he got well and went away, and berry soon arter dat Miss Alice's fadder and modder got married. Dar come de judge. He hab seen you, and he ride out ob de road to come see you."
"Got a little, ma'am. Very little left," replied Juno. "What shall we do when all our salt is gone?" said Mrs. Seagrave. "Juno must get some more," replied Ready. "How I get salt? hab none left," replied Juno, looking at Ready. "There's plenty out there, Juno," said Mr. Seagrave, pointing to the sea. "I don't know where," said Juno, looking in that direction.
"Come 'long, Mass' George," whispered Pomp. "No," I said, "we must wait till day." "Dey come and hab us bofe, Mass' George, we 'top here. Come 'long." "But it is impossible." "Yes, Mass' George, um possible; come and get up dat big tree."
'Missis, we hab um piccaninny tree weeks in de ospital, and den right out upon the hoe again can we strong dat way, missis? No! And truly I do not see that they can. This poor creature had had eight children and two miscarriages. All her children were dead but one.
"I'm a theosophist, Sopsy." "A seehossofist!" exclaimed the cook, dropping a plate in his astonishment. "We don't hab none o' dem on shore in de Souf. I reckon dey libs in de water." "No; they live on the mountains."
Charlie did not even follow the direction of her gesture, and from this very indifference Wilbur guessed that it was precisely because of the beach-combers that the Machiavellian Chinaman had wished to treat with his old officers. "No hab got bacon?" he queried, lifting his eyebrows in surprise. "Plenty; but not for you."
As the other hurried from the room, she took her nursling in her arms, and gazing into the sweet face with earnest, loving scrutiny; asked, "What de matter, darlin'? what hab resturbed you so, honey?" "You mustn't leave me alone, to-night, mammy," Elsie whispered, clinging to her, and half hiding her face on her breast. "Don't go out of the room at all, unless it is to step on the veranda."
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