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An' she be mighty glad tuh see yous bofe." So she led the way along the wide hall, to usher the boys into the commodious library. Just then, however, there were several sewing machines shoved aside, and much evidence to the effect that on weekdays this same library might be a beehive of industry, with women chattering as they sewed.

It was not until we were safe in bed that our pent up fury broke loose; and we pounded the pillows, and cursed the name of womankind. Women! Tyrants! Mischievous busybodies! "When I'm a man," said Angel, suddenly, "I'll marry a woman, and I'll beat her every day." "Me too!" cried The Seraph, stoutly, "I'll mawy two fat ones an' beat 'em bofe."

"Den we bofe clime up togedder, Mass' George. You go one way, and Pomp go oder way." There seemed to be no time for discussion on questions of precedent, so we began to climb together, reaching a great branch about twenty feet from the ground, no easy task for me, encumbered as I was by the gun.

"W'en he woke up, 'long 'bout 'leven erclock, de lamp had bu'n' down kinder low. He heared a little noise behind him an' look 'roun', an' dere settin' in de middle er de flo' wuz a big black tomcat, wid his tail quirled up over his back, lookin' up at Jeff wid bofe his two big yaller eyes.

Now all I ask is, dat de woun'ed on bofe sides shall have 'freshments fust, an' den ef dere's anyting lef', I'd like my ossifers to have some supper. Den he kinder smile as he say, 'I know you 'spected oder company dis ebenin', an' when de woun'ed is provided fer, de ossifers on your side can hab supper too.

'One of 'em's as fat as bofe them Berjum cats, she say: 'an' it's on'y got one eye, she say. 'Well, Miss Julia, ma'am, I say 'one thing; they come out white, all 'cept dess around that there skinnier one's eye, I say: 'dess the same you tell me they goin' to, I say. 'You right about that much, ma'am! I say." "Oh, me!" Mrs. Johnson moaned, worn with applausive laughter.

Homesickness and friendships, how much and how vivid a part they play in the first year, or years, of school life! An old coloured physician was asked about a certain patient who was very ill. "I'll tell you de truf," was the reply. "Widout any perception, Phoebe Pamela may die and she may get well; dere's considerable danger bofe ways."

I use my inflooence fer bofe ob 'em yah, yah, yah-r-r! an' hit did look lak I's gwine ter balernce fings up tell I 'lee' 'em bofe ter oncet right dar! Bofe of 'em got de nomination yah, yah, yah-r-r! But I say 'rah fo' little Miss Phyllis! She de one 'at know how to pull de right string yah, yah, yah-r-r!" The wedding at Sommerton Place came on the Wednesday following the fall election.

"De young nigger men on de plantation wuz des wil' atter Dilsey, but it didn' do no good, en none un 'em couldn' git Dilsey fer dey junesey, 'tel Dave 'mence' fer ter go roun' Aun' Mahaly's cabin. Dey wuz a fine-lookin' couple, Dave en Dilsey wuz, bofe tall, en well-shape', en soopl'. En dey sot a heap by one ernudder.

"Dey wuz bofe un um layin' right side by side, des like dey 'uz bo'n blood kin, en I done dus' de cobwebs off'n um wid de same duster, dat I is." "Well, well, that will do. Now go in to supper, children, and send Docia to take my tray. Dear me, I do wish that Tucker could be persuaded to give up that vulgar bacon.