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You shall say you come from Etienne Provancher and it will make you good for her." He paused, raised a brown finger, then went on. "But you shall not know where she live onless I may pay half the board money for the poor little one. We have been togedder in it I tell some lie to the coroner we must be togedder in help the childs." There was firm resolve in old Etienne's face and tones.

"Den we bofe clime up togedder, Mass' George. You go one way, and Pomp go oder way." There seemed to be no time for discussion on questions of precedent, so we began to climb together, reaching a great branch about twenty feet from the ground, no easy task for me, encumbered as I was by the gun.

He's de one dey wuz atter, jest ez much ez Nimbus, an' p'raps a leetle more, dough yer knows ther ain't a mite o' harm in him, an' nebber was, But dat don't matter. Deytinks dat he keeps de cullu'd folks togedder, an' makes' em stan' up for dere rights, an' dat's why dey went fer him.

The conversation was here interrupted by a busy hum in the audience; and the auctioneer, a short, bustling, important fellow, elbowed his way into the crowd. The old woman drew in her breath, and caught instinctively at her son. "Keep close to yer mammy, Albert, close, dey'll put us up togedder," she said. "O, mammy, I'm feard they won't," said the boy.

Mother and child were very quiet. "More love, Sue!" said Susanna, clasping her closely. "More love, Mardie!" whispered the child, smiling and entering into the spirit of the salutation. "Let's turn our heads Farnham way! I'll take Jack and you take Fardie, and we'll say togedder, 'More love'; shall we?" "More love, John." "More love, Jack."

Fo' uv them boys is already back home; three, we heah, is on de way back, but six uv yo' brave comrades, Brudder Pack, is sleepin' now in France, an' ain't never goin' to come home no mo'. When we honors you, we honors them all, de libin' an' de daid, de white an' de black, who fought togedder fuh one country, fuh one flag." Gasps, sobs from the line of black folk, interrupted the speaker.

To her children: "You, Dick and Jim, git away frum under my feet. If yo' little niggers don't cl'ar out frum dis room, ah'll beat yer wooly heads togedder. How kin Ah see dat dis cake gits jest de right brown, if yo' keep askin' me fer cookies an' things! Take dat boxing their ears an' march out doors."

But for all that, blackee never said von leetle word to him. They were well watch while they wash togedder." "Then perhaps it is not all right, as you say. They may have the same suspicion that led him here. Why the deuce don't they go off home? I don't like their hanging about so long." "I tell you, Shames, it ish all right. We have only to get rid of the spy.

"And de goose dey'd picked out fo' dat Christmas dinner sho' was a noble bird ya-as'm! Dere was an army ob geese aroun' de pond, but de one dey'd shet up fo' two weeks, an' fed soft fodder to wid er spoon, was de noblest ob de ban'," said Uncle Rufus, unctuously. "Well, dar warn't time tuh send on to Richmon' fo' a sho' 'nuff cook, an' de dinnah pahty was gaddered togedder.

He had opened his arms and prepared to strike out, when a thought stayed him. Saloo, who had waded to his side, also arrested him by laying a hand on his shoulder. "You try swimmee, cappen, no good without weapon; we both go togedder muss take gun, sumpitan, kliss, else no chance killee mias." It was the thought that had occurred to Captain Redwood himself. "Yes, you are right, Saloo.