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"In de old show days de manager of de opery always said. 'Let de niggers see de show, and sometimes de house was half full of colored folks white folks on one side de house and niggahs on de other and dere never was any disturbance of any kind. Ain't no sich good times now as we had in de old road show days. No suh!"

We're all brought up, ain't we, to honor the man that made his money, and look down or try to look down; sometimes it's difficult on the fellow that his father left it to?" The old man rose and struck his breast. "On Amerigan!" he roared, and, as he went on, his accent grew more and more uncertain. "What iss Amerigan? Dere iss no Ameriga any more!

I now and then feel so desperate and wicked, that I am afraid of myself." "Dere now, you'se worried and worn-out and you tinks dat's bein' wicked." "No. I'm satisfied it is something worse than that. I wonder if God does care about people who are in trouble, I mean practically, so as to help them any?" "Well, I specs he does," said Hannibal vaguely.

Dey vas come up und stand dere by de vindow under, und I hear dem talkin'. She cry, und say she vas sorry he vas kiss her like dot, und he say he is goin' vay, und dot is vot for he done it, und he don't come back no more, und she cry some more." "Did he say anything against his cousin at that time?"

"'Ha, Jan, he said ven I show it, 'dis iss a notion! I'll gif you ten dollar for dat notion. "'No, I say. 'If you say ten dollar I know it vorth more, for I know vat you can do. But let it be more, and I may sell it. "Den he talk. Dere is risk, he say, and he must spend much money, but he say it vill take.

Grad to see you, Mike hope we live together like good friend, down yonder, up here, over dere." "Ye do, do ye! Divil burn me, now, if I want any sich company. Ould Nick's yer name, is it?" "Old Nick young Nick saucy Nick; all one, all to'ther. Make no odd what you call; I come." "Och, yer a handy one! Divil trust ye, but ye'll come when you arn't wanted, or yer not of yer father's own family.

Reisen," exclaimed Richling, warmly. "you speak as if you didn't want her to come." He contrived to smile as he finished. "Vell, of course! You don't vant her to come, do you?" Richling forced a laugh. "Seems to me 'twould be natural if I did, Mrs. Reisen. Didn't the preacher say, when we were married, 'Let no man put asunder'?" "Oh, now, Mr. Richlin', dere aindt nopotty a-koin' to put you under!

"Why doan yo' tak' yo' submarine boat down dere, Massa Tom?" asked Eradicate as he served luncheon to the young inventor, his father and Ned. "Ah 'members we once got some treasure off'n de bottom ob de sea dat way." "I did think of that, Rad," answered Tom a bit wearily, "but my ship isn't big enough to raise such a great weight."

"Dere! on dat shore may be come over." The soldier, was much puzzled to know how his companion had made such a sudden discovery, when they were so far away. As there could be no danger of their words being overheard, he made the inquiry. "See'd water splash," replied Oonomoo. "Got canoe." "Not yours?" "No deir own come ober here, putty soon." His words were true.

He has his own little garden and chickens which he tends with great care. "I knows all 'bout slav'ry an' de war. I was right dere on de spot when it all happened. I wish to goodness I was back dere now, not in de war, but in de slav'ry times. Niggers where I lived didn' have nothin' to worry 'bout in dem days. Dey aint got no sense now-a-days.

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