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Updated: January 9, 2025

In her heart she vowed vengeance on that 'twould come between them, and the thought strengthened her for battle, and when again she saw Cedric's eyes gazing with ardent desire upon Katherine, it was with comparative calmness. There appeared also a strange thing to her, that this beauty did not appear to notice Cedric that is, with the notice due so handsome, rich and titled beau.

For one moment something peeped out of his eyes; the next he sat down in his chair again and nervously fingered his chin. "I have but to speak," said Gunn, regarding him with much satisfaction, "and you will hang, and your money go to the Crown. What will become of her then, think you?" The other laughed nervously. "'Twould be stopping the golden eggs," he ventured.

Taking out her snuff-box, she offered it to her daughter, telling her that "like enough 'twould cure her headache." Mrs. Livingstone's first impulse was to strike it from her mother's hand, but knowing how unladylike that would be, she restrained herself, and turning away her head, replied, "Ugh! no! The very sight of it makes me sick." "How you do talk!

Worcester and Herbert Bayliss. That Worcester man is a gone case, or I'm no judge. He's keepin' company with Frances, or would, if she'd let him. 'Twould be funny if she married a curate, wouldn't it." "Not very," I answered. "Married life on a curate's salary is not my idea of humor." "I suppose likely that's so. And I can't imagine her a minister's wife, can you?"

His eyes peered through the creeping darkness in puzzled search for some suggestion, some possibility of escape. "If it were only myself!" he whispered, as if talking to his hemlock. "If it were only myself, I wouldn't care a pin. 'Twould do me no great harm to perch here for hours. But an English youngster, on his first camping-trip! Why, the chill of a forest night might ruin him.

"Tell you what we might do," said Perez slowly; "we might explain to her that Jerry don't feel that 'twould be right to think of marryin' with Cap'n Baxter so sick in the house and that, if she's willin', we'll put it off till he dies or gets better. Meantime, we'll pay her so much to stay here and nuss. Seems to me that's about the only way out of it."

But, Eustacia, you never did ha! ha! Dammy, how 'twould have pleased me forty years ago! But remember, no more of it, my girl. You may walk on the heath night or day, as you choose, so that you don't bother me; but no figuring in breeches again." "You need have no fear for me, Grandpapa."

Yet it was sufficient to cause the course of the frail steamboat to be altered yet a little more from south-west-by-south to south-by-west to give the breakers a still wider berth. 'I wish we had gone by land, sir; 'twould have been surer play, said Sol to Mountclere, a cat-and-dog friendship having arisen between them. 'Yes, said Mountclere.

But his eyes grew, with his next words, remote again in their speculation. "His Holiness and his Grace. Now if I was to hear 'em namin' me that-a-way every mawnin', I'd sca'cely get down to business." "Oh, you'd get used to the pride of it." "'Tisn't the pride. The laugh is what would ruin me. 'Twould take 'most all my attention keeping a straight face.

"What's all this about, anyway? You don't cal'late I'd take you walkin' Sundays if I thought 'twas wicked, do you?" "No, sir; but Uncle Zoeth thinks not goin' to church is wicked. If you and I went to church with him 'twould please him ever so much." "Maybe so, but 'twould please you and me if he went walkin' with us. I've asked him times enough.

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