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An' we had an orful good time till Gran came in, an' then we lit out, an' I brung her home. Now what you goin' to do about it?" She folded her thin arms as well as she could, for Polly was still holding to one, and glared defiantly out of her sharp, black eyes. "Oh, Grandpapa, her arms!" Polly was pointing to the long, red welts.

"Oh! my child! my child! have you come at last?" and he drew her towards him, and kissed her passionately, while the tears streamed down his cheeks. "I couldn't come before, you know," the child said, "because I didn't know about you; and grampa, that's my other grandpapa," she nodded confidentially, "did not know you wanted me. But now he knows, he sent me to you.

Thereupon Phronsie, seeing there was something she could really do to help Grandpapa, came out of her distress enough to sit up quite straight and attentive in his lap. "You see I spoke rudely to a man, and I called him a fellow, and he was a gentleman, Phronsie; you must remember that." "Yes, I will, Grandpapa," she replied obediently, while her eyes never wandered from his face.

Fisher made the next load, and then Grandpapa, perfectly delighted that he had arranged it all so nicely, with Polly and Phronsie, climbed into the third and last carriage, while Tom swung himself up as a fourth. "They say it is a difficult thing to arrange carriage parties with success," observed Mr. King.

He could not order the carriage, and say he was going to Le Bosquet; but he had just courage enough to set Euphrosyne free to ask to go. It turned out exactly as he expected. "We will do what you will, my child, to-day. I feel strong enough to be your humble servant." "It is a splendid day, grandpapa. It must be charming at Le Bosquet.

"Dear grandpapa, I bring you back your bonds," and then she rained a shower of kisses upon the old gentleman's furrowed cheeks. If any thing could astonish M. de Chandore, it was the idea that there should exist in this world a man with a heart hard, cruel, and barbarous enough, to resist his Dionysia's prayers and tears, especially if they were backed by twenty thousand francs.

"Now I almost know he is going to stay over Christmas." "He is he is!" cried Phronsie in a little scream; "you've guessed it, Polly. And Mamsie said she's gone down town with Grandpapa; he's going to get tickets for the concert to-night, so that you can all go together, even if you can't sit together, and she said that" "Oh, Phronsie!" exclaimed Polly in dismay and she stood quite still.

I can't believe it!" "It doesn't seem possible," Mother Fisher answered musingly, and her hands dropped to her lap, where they lay quietly folded. "Mamsie," Polly suddenly drew in her gaze from the charming old canal and its boats, and sprang to Mrs. Fisher's side, "do you know, I think it was just the loveliest thing in all the world for Grandpapa to bring dear Mr. and Mrs.

"Oh, I can do it; let me, Grandpapa; let me do it alone," begged Percy, tugging at the books and piling as rapidly as he could, for they were quite heavy. "There, see, they're almost back again" as he staggered up with the last one. "Not quite so fast," said Grandpapa King, lending his hand to the task. "Now next time when you want to sit down, I advise you to take a chair, Percy, my boy.

Mrs. Blunt's toleration was exhausted. "Be off with you!" she said sternly, pointing a forefinger at the door. By great good fortune Agatha found Lord Thrapston at home. Drawing a footstool beside his chair, she sat down. Her agitation was past, and she wore a gravely business like air. "Grandpapa," she began, "I have got something to tell you."

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