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"Shoot him, for all I care," groaned Alfred, and he rocked to and fro. "How ungrateful!" exclaimed Aggie, then she signalled to the officer to go. "No more of your funny business," said the officer with a parting nod at Jimmy and a vindictive light in his eyes when he remembered the bruises that Jimmy had left on his shins.

It was a giant lamp of a strange shape, standing up to the height of four or five feet from the floor, on a pedestal; and behind it stood the Genie, a fearful and wonderful apparition who said things, in a deep bass voice, which made everybody shout with laughter. "It's Fred Kane, the great Funny Man," said somebody.

But he put on his uniform of lieutenant, and in high spirits set off to visit his friends, the Permons. They lived in a house on one of the river streets Monsieur and Madame Permon, and their two daughters, Cecilia and Laura. Now, both these daughters were little girls, and as ready to see the funny side of things as little girls usually are.

Now we heard that funny little noise Uweekuweekuweek just like that, coming over the road; we hadn't time to look. Never did any road I ever crossed seem so long; it was like a bad dream. We slipped and stumbled and didn't seem to make any headway, and every moment I expected to feel that great head in the flat of my back sending me sprawling ready to be spiked.

It felt very warm and comfortable; but it was so exceedingly shabby the only shabby thing that the Prince had ever seen in his life. "And what use will it be to me?" said he sadly. "I have no need of outdoor clothes, as I never go out. Why was this given me, I wonder? and what in the world am I to do with it? She must be a rather funny person, this dear godmother of mine."

"Oh, don't!" pleaded The Oskaloosa Kid. "Let us in," screamed the men without. "Fer the luv o' Mike have a heart! Don't leave us out here! IT's comin'! IT's comin'!" "Oh, let the poor things in," pleaded the girl on the bed. She was, herself, trembling with terror. "No funny business, now, if I let you in," commanded Bridge. "On the square," came the quick and earnest reply.

We all did hear something that very instant. No one could help hearing it. It was the strangest sound, as much like the sawing of wood as anything I can think of. Except that toward the end of the stroke it seemed to run into some tough knots in the wood, for it made two or three funny, little noises, like "yop, yop, yop."

And, inside himself, he had never doubted that if this great happiness were ever granted to Nan, she would lose all those funny, unaccountable ways of hers which alternately bewildered and annoyed him and turn into a nice, normal woman like ninety-nine per cent. of the other women of his somewhat limited acquaintance.

"You will be as funny when you are as well paid for it." This just hit poor Trip's notion of humor, and he began to choke, with his mouth full of pie. "James, take care," said Mrs. Triplet, sad and solemn. James looked up. "My wife is a good woman, madam," said he; "but deficient in an important particular." "Oh, James!" "Yes, my dear.

"Yes, I think so!" "That's quare!" She walked on for a few yards without speaking, and her eyes were fixed steadily on the starry fields. "It's funny," she said, "to think mebbe there's people up there lookin' at us an' them mebbe thinkin' about this place what we're thinkin' of them. Wouldn't you love to be able to fly up to one of them an' just see if it's true?..."

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