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"No, I'm not crazy," she assured them, regaining her strength with amazing quickness. "You see, it seemed kind o' funny to me after all these years o' swearin' that I'd never ride in one o' these gasoline cars to find myself in one after all, and at my time o' life."

Some of the gunners have evidently told their Canadian girls that they are officers, and so they are addressed on their letters as lieutenants. I have to censor some of their replies, and I can tell you they are as often funny as pathetic. The ones to their mothers are childish, too, and have rows of kisses. I think men are always kiddies if you look beneath the surface.

"But unless there are two copper men in the world this is the most astonishing thing I ever came across." At this moment the Rainbow's Daughter and the Rose Princess approached them, and Polychrome said: "What have you found, Shaggy One?" "Either an old friend, or a stranger," he replied. "Oh, here's a sign on his back!" cried Betsy, who had knelt down to examine the man. "Dear me; how funny!

At such times the monkey, who rejoiced in the brief name of J.T. Jr. the same being emblazoned on the little silver collar around its neck at such times the monkey would scamper from shoulder to shoulder of the small boy, with occasional excursions up in the woolly kinks of the heights above. It was a funny picture and one that never failed to amuse those who watched it.

He was apparently not more than three years old at the most. With funny little trousers that reached to his heels, with big brown eyes all eloquent of doubt, and with round, little, copper-colored cheeks, impinged upon by an old fur cap he wore, pulled down over forehead and ears, he appeared about as quaint a little man as one could readily discover. But he seemed distressed.

"My plump gentleman," said George pleasantly, "meet me at this trysting-place at noon to-morrow, and your desire shall be gratified." The park-keeper eyed him; thought better of the bitter words he had contemplated; contented himself with: "Funny, ain't yer?" "Screaming," said George. "One long roar of mirth. Hundreds turned away nightly. Early doors threepence extra. Bring the wife."

If there was anything he hated to see it was good food being tossed to the beasts. "Our first camp-fire brought us bad luck, fellows!" he complained. "Oh! I don't know," remarked Thad. "It gave us a run for the money; and chances are, we'll never get over laughing at the funny things that happened. Then besides think what it did for Smithy!

Since he there, he has not bought anything at the store. "'His muchachos bring him chicken, I suggested. "No, señor; he very funny; he has no muchachos; not one muchacho has he. "'Well, he probably has canned provisions sent him. "'No, señor; the cargadores they say that never never have they carried anything for him. He does not eat.

That was what we all felt, but none of us had put it so simply before. "What's this?" the man said, as he was gathering up the rest of the bandages. It was the Simpson-thing, and it did look very funny by daylight, I must say, just a wob of blue flannel tied with a string. I was going to explain, but Jerry said, with his mouth full: "Oh, just something we had," and stuffed it away in the kit-bag.

"Hunh! You're a funny guy, aren't you? about as comical as a chloroform cone. You make me laugh, you do just like a broken leg. Well, I've been looking up some grub for Miss Evans, and I can't find any." "Can't find any?" "Nothing fit for her to eat. You don't expect her to live on this infernal, eternal, and internal beef stew." Branch shuddered and gagged slightly.