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One is the growing passion, or fashion, if any one likes to call it so, of Americans to live in their own houses, both summer and winter. This is rapidly taking possession of all classes, from the New England mechanic, who puts up his shanty or tent on the seashore, to the millionaire who builds his hundred-thousand dollar villa on his thirty-thousand dollar lot.

There was a silence until Horton rose up at the foot of the table, glass in hand. "I," he said simply, "don't think he can. Every dollar I can raise is going in, and we're all standing in with Alton. Here's the Somasco Consolidated, and to with Hallam."

"I'll give you a dollar apiece," cried another man, hurrying forward; and almost immediately the three in the Adams party were surrounded by a crowd. "Wait a minute," bade the first man. "I was here first. I'll give you a dollar apiece." Charley gasped. Were they crazy? "But, gentlemen, these are only some old papers we happened to have as fillers," protested Mr.

He enclosed her a hundred dollar note, and wished her to come to him immediately, and to leave without letting any one know her destination. He professed much sorrow for having left her in so destitute a condition, but pleaded stern necessity for the act. Mrs. W. did not hesitate a moment. In four days from the time she received the letter, she was on the way to Cincinnati.

"If the Old Man is after him, he's bound to get him, and making a quick finish himself would save a lot o' bother all around." "What's it about, anyway?" says Chips. "How do I know?" answered Sails. "I don't go poking my nose into Yankee Swope's business, you can bet your bottom dollar I don't. I take my orders, and let it go at that. Same as you. Same as the others.

Here I am slaving away for about seventy-five dollars per month, year in and year out. All I get is my food and clothing and yours, of course, which is as much necessary, but is more or less of a white man's burden. No sooner do I get a dollar in my hand than it has to be passed along to the butcher, baker, grocer, dressmaker, milliner.

Do you reckon his wife worries about such tricks of trade? Why should mine worry?" She gripped his hand with desperate pleading. "Oh, Jim, dear, you can't be a criminal at heart! I wouldn't have loved you if it had been true. I can't believe it! I won't believe it. You're posing. You don't mean this. You can't mean it. You're going to return every dishonest dollar that you've taken."

Uncle John hesitated a moment, and then drew from an inner pocket of his coat a thin wallet. From this, when she had received it from his hand, the girl abstracted two ten and one five dollar bills, all crisp and new. "Good gracious!" she cried, delightedly. "All this wealth, and you pleading poverty?" "I never said I was a pauper," returned Uncle John, complacently.

She made but little more during an entire week; she had made less. A dollar would buy Then a thought flashed across her mind. "I couldn't take a dollar," she refused, "it's too much. It's only worth about twenty cents." "But if I choose to give you a dollar?" pursued the man. Again the purple black curls shook decidedly. "I couldn't take more'n it's worth. My uncle wouldn't like me to.

It seems that during the two weeks in which the tower rested in the wilderness he traded independently with one of the Indian chiefs, and in exchange for two near-pearl necklaces, sixteen finger-rings, and one dollar in money, received a title-deed to the entire island. He claims that his deed is a conveyance made previous to all other sales whatever.

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